25-02-2025 8:31 AM
So I lost out on some stock Sunday as was outbid ... a private seller listed them on ebay yesterday.
Ebay lose out on fees as a result
Reported but i dont expect action to be taken even though I could evidence where they were purchased - they didnt want this information ? Baffling
A real genuine private seller only needs 100 active listings ... this is the only thing that will get private sellers who are really business sellers to change to the business account and pay ebay the correct fees
25-02-2025 8:39 AM
The Buyers from Private Sellers are now paying the fees so Ebay get their fees regardless of Private or Business categorisation
25-02-2025 8:45 AM - edited 25-02-2025 8:46 AM
As a genuine private seller i would not mind at all if listings were cut down to 100 per month.....or even much lower:) I prob list 20 a month max.....often way less than that. I could list several hundred a month but CBA lol
Saying the above everyones personal situation is different
25-02-2025 8:45 AM
Quick way to drive buyers away from the site
When they realise they are paying for something they shouldn't be paying for!
25-02-2025 8:46 AM
Fees are alot lower for private sellers and the buyer pays them not the seller as is the case for a business seller.
Private sellers generally are selling stuff they dont want
Business sellers are buying to resell and ofter have multiple new items listed
25-02-2025 8:47 AM
Agree, true private sellers if capped at 100 listings should not have fees applied to their listings
25-02-2025 8:51 AM - edited 25-02-2025 8:53 AM
I appreciate your opinion but i would not mind paying seller fees....if i am paying fees then my items are actually selling 🙂
(I appreciate my personal opinion may not be a popular one)
25-02-2025 9:01 AM
I always thought free fees for private sellers was a great idea, regardless of how much they can list
Just a shame so many choose to run their businesses on private accounts and eBay choosing to try and deter them rather than just getting it sorted and getting the obvious businesses to upgrade their account.
Now genuine private sellers are ending their listings and leaving, if they aren't selling it is highly likely they aren't buying, and buyers who are buying from these sellers are paying fees that they should not be paying
Seems like a downward spiral to me!
25-02-2025 9:07 AM
Youve hit the nail on the head ... I just dont understand why ebay dont see that .. they are penalising the true private and business sellers as well as buyers ... it makes no sense and i dont feel they get it
25-02-2025 9:08 AM - edited 25-02-2025 9:09 AM
I do agree with you.
I am being a lot more selective in what i list......in future prob just rarer or more collectible items.
usually i may spend a little of the money from my sales on the site.......but not in the forseeable future as we are having to pay out 2K in solicitors fees shortly so Ebay will not be getting any money from us 🙂
25-02-2025 9:45 AM
I'd rather see eBay act on the unregistered business sellers.
They have messed private sellers around enough at the moment - and while I currently only ever have 20-50 listings live (and it will be less than half that if/when SD becomes mandatory), I don't see why someone selling a collection of items should be restricted just because business sellers get moany when eBay don't do their job properly. Go take it out on eBay, not private sellers!
25-02-2025 10:02 AM - edited 25-02-2025 10:03 AM
As it stands its impossible to manage, they cannt cope, its like wack a mole
100 listings would ensure that most business sellers trading currently as private sellers to avoid fees would then pay fees .. win for ebay / real business sellers
Anyone buying from these people then would not incure fees as a buyer ... win for all buyers
Private sellers under cap could then have no fees ... win for real private sellers and would draw new private sellers in.
Only looking for a fair playing field and yes Ive raised it with Ebay but after others opions
25-02-2025 10:27 AM
I disagree on the 100 listings.
For the simple reason that a lot of collectors etc selling off their collections.
I think I currently have 8 listings on my private account but if I were to list everything I no longer wore and things I no longer used or needed I could easily get above 100 listings, I just don't have the time. Everybody's circumstances are different and again it is just genuine private sellers being penalised for those who want to run their businesses on private accounts
As it stands its impossible to manage, they cannt cope, its like wack a mole
Is it tho?
A lot of these accounts have been reported numerous times and nothing, there is no viable way to actually report them, why not?
They have made no effort to manage the situation
If eBay wanted to I am pretty sure just concentrating on those with hundreds of new items in multiples they would make a huge dent. If we can find them I am pretty sure eBay can!
My feeling is they either don't really care or they are afraid they will lose these sellers who most likely buy on eBay
My personal opinion is
Sort out the business sellers on private accounts
Introduce a low fee for private sellers, say 5%
Scrap the buyer protection fees
25-02-2025 3:04 PM
Utter nonsense. Cutting back on private sellers' listing allowances would kill one of the principal markets for eBay - the collector's market.
I have large private collections of magazines, books, CDs, etc. If I decided to sell them all, I couldn't possibly do so at 100 listings per month, for the rest of my life (I'm 64).
Yes, by all means urge eBay to do something about the thousands of business sellers masquerading as private sellers, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
25-02-2025 3:26 PM
They would just open more accounts, problem is not the real private seller but the business seller on a private account. From what i can see reporting them is hard and they take no notice when you do. If eBay clamped down on those then they could leave the real private sellers alone
25-02-2025 3:31 PM
Ebay didn't let the situation get out of control, they encouraged it to .
During one of the previous threads on the subject I replied that ebay could easily put a dent in businesses pretending to be private sellers by refusing to increase their selling limits. Being under the impression that a private seller wanting an increased limit had to request one.
Not so I was told, it's all automatic. Any private seller who got near to their limit would get an automatic increase -- no questions asked. So ebay certainly had no intention of curbing business sellers cashing in and abusing private accounts.
IMO ebay is still being disingenuous by pretending its latest restrictions on real private sellers will do anything to solve the problem. All ebay's done is driven away another swathe of private sellers with its complete bias against them and its willingness to use them as scape-goats for miscreant businesses.
Ebay deserves all it gets, which I think is likely to be less listings of the collectables that draw so many buyers to the site and less sales to them from other private sellers. But those who will suffer most are the business sellers themselves, both registered and not who rely on them for their sales.
I certainly won't be back to buy from ebay.
25-02-2025 3:59 PM
I think personally there is more to free fee and private sellers than meets the eye.
As from last December many business sellers stopped selling to EU and NI due to new gpsr rules. But it does not affect private sellers. They can carry on selling there. So many businesses sellers have swapped sides and can sell whatever they want to EU and NI. And who can stop them
The hit to ebay must be massive.
The who is private and who is business is a joke. I have seen this last week so and so house clearance selling as private sellers. I have seen so and so miniature world (they are names I’ve made up) selling as private and do you think they are going to go business, of course not…no fees to pay but let the minions pay their fees oh sorry BP payment which technically is fees…
I have friends who are only buyers. They are already griping about paying more fees on top.
Sorry but there has to be a more level playing field for all.
I feel I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. It’s free to sell on Vinted but actually I prefer it here…
25-02-2025 11:49 PM
So many businesses sellers have swapped sides and can sell whatever they want to EU and NI. And who can stop them
The EU is going to be aware of this and ebay may end up with a hefty fine at some point for failing to deal with the problem. The EU also has the powers to target sellers who breach GPSR regulations.
26-02-2025 10:11 AM
Like many other business sellers, I'd like ebay to get a handle on businesses selling from private accounts. As to limiting private sellers to 100 listings, I'm not so sure. My Mum recently passed away and we had to clear her effects, 100 listings would not have covered it.
26-02-2025 10:32 AM - edited 26-02-2025 10:40 AM
How about 500 fixed per month just like a businesses none of this rolling it over to the next month so you can end up with 1000s of listings.
And i keep saying it because of other sites private sellers cannot sell NEW they can sell LIKE NEW Suttle difference but you have already owned it or been gifted it .
Keep the you can only list 1 of an item and ebay monitor repeats of that item.
edit :- bring back fee for private sellers and get rid of the BPF