30-01-2025 11:19 AM
Extremely underwhelming, was hoping for some positive news for business sellers that would actually make a difference.
02-02-2025 3:50 AM
Ok if you sell used clothing which I don’t .
02-02-2025 9:15 AM
Having spent years ignoring, down-grading, sabotaging and generally making ebay far less useful for private sellers selling Collectables. To the point that these days the only buyers left are mostly re-sellers looking for rock bottom bargain basement prices. Ebay now finds itself growing short of those private sellers that made ebay famous and very profitable.
For whatever reason it now thinks that second hand clothes can replace Collectables and save the day for ebay. Collectables did just that after ebays mis-guided attempt at setting-up "Ebay Express" to rival amazon, which soon failed. New merchandise was hastily re-integrated into the Boot-Fair side of ebay and ebay grew again.
They've now made exactly the same mistake again, but this time too much New stuff and the boot-fair swamped and pushed to the side-lines and back of the queue for visibility.
It's about time they learned the lesson the third time around. Ebay thrives as a boot-fair and when it is front and center in ebay's market strategy. It can even support some level of New Goods and the businesses that supply them as a secondary attraction and revenue stream. But when the Collectables and second hand private sellers give-up on ebay, ebay goes into decline.
02-02-2025 1:27 PM
With Simple Delivery ebay is riding rough shod over sellers with disabilities who have established tried and trusted methods of postage. If this becomes mandatory the assumption that these sellers will adapt themselves to Simple Delivery is breath takingly bad.