Bonkers holdup when listing a silver item: Main Stone?

When listing a Sterling silver bracelet I was completely stumped as I was required to choose the Main Stone in Item Specifics because it was plain silver as is a lot of jewellery. I decided to enter "None", typed "none" and clicked and waited to see the result. The result was accepted. You may be reassured that you can buy and sell silver jewellery with no stones as long as you state that the main stone is None. "None" should be on the dropdown list to reduce the consternation of listers like me.

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Re: Bonkers holdup when listing a silver item: Main Stone?

Its a legacy thing from when there were a crazy number of jewellery categories and they were squished into a new smaller number of categories. 


For future reference, the drop down option for stone when there isn't one is 'No stone'


The jewellery categories are ridiculously difficult to list in - all the stone and diamond specifics drive me loopy. 





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