Better communications about system changes + ive found something useful

So ive done a thread about some other changes but there seems to have been quite a few in a short time.


Am i missing something, is there a comm about all the changes ?


For anyone who plays on line games you periodically get " patch updates " that include fixes and improvements to the games .. a similar thing is needed on ebay as without these sellers are missing useful tools and info and it would help understand why things have changed.


One great new thing i stumbled on is that in orders now if you click the user name it tells you how many orders the buyer has made in the past, total sales and total value .. thats useful info for me, hope it will help you.

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Re: Better communications about system changes + ive found something useful


I find that new tool good too, I also thought it displayed whether the buyer was a follower too.

Communication is not eBay’s finest skill and I would have liked to have known about that and the extended time on ‘send offers’ from 48 to 96 hours, ( I won’t be sending offers anymore) the implementation of new messaging layout and the traffic graphs. 

I’d love them to stop playing with all this in Q4 too.


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