12-09-2024 10:17 AM
17-10-2024 10:48 AM
Due to it's inability to provide a stable platform for it's paying customers, ie sellers, Ebay will end up getting the lifeblood sucked out of it by other platforms. Vinted Pro will certainly start to have a serious effect on things. Once they fully open up then it will cause sellers to put their money there due to a better service. It seems that ebay's business plan is to simply find underhand ways to extract more money from it's customers than improving what it is suppose to do.
26-10-2024 9:10 AM - edited 26-10-2024 9:13 AM
It seems others platforms are offering fee free it's worth trying them for sure
26-10-2024 10:39 AM
26-10-2024 11:48 AM
With nearly 3000 items listed on eBay and only getting one sale a day I have already started listing on vinted. EBay is not a viable business platform for me even with the free free until December as usual no benefit to me whatsoever. I have even tried to cancel my shop subscription to no shop but it looks like business sellers have to have a shop subscription
26-10-2024 3:45 PM
The weird thing is my impressions are up over 50% and my page views are up 40% but still no sales,maybe people have stopped buying off ebay.
26-10-2024 4:04 PM
Definately agree with that no one is buying from ebay, not in my category anyway. I can listed items on vinted (the same that I have listed on ebay) and they have views straight away, a lot of my items that have been on for 30 days finish with no views on ebay. Even when I promote at their stupid rates of 12% upwards. I have sold more on vinted the last couple of days than ebay but to be honest that wasn't hard to beat when I only sold one yesterday and only 1 today upto me posting on here, I have since sold a couple more. I only have 40 items listed on Vinted yet nearly 3000 on here.
I get more views/sales on organic listings than promoted. All the promotion does for me is give me more impressions which doesn't equate to sales.
I think the free listings for business sellers on pre loved clothing until December was to try and stop us all from jumping ship to vinted yet my sales have dropped off a cliff since this came in and they were dire before that. I'm now lucky if I can 1 or 2 a day wereas before I was 5 or 6 a day on over 2000 listings. It doesn't matter how much I promote/list in day. I am active every day 7 days a week tweaking, re listing, changing, listing new items and it does nothing. I'm still obvioulsy not paying enough to be seen. There's no way I'm using the dynamic campaigns.
This next couple of months up to Christmas will be a deciding factor for many business sellers on here wether to continue with trading on here in the New Year, thats if they stay that long.
26-10-2024 4:10 PM
ebay has introduced a 'have you seen this feature' at the point of check out and throws up a number of similar items ebay thinks the buyer might like to look at. As if packing our listings with promoted items wasn't enough at the point of sale ebay tries to tempt them with items from other sellers.