Dear Sellers,

Since 30 March 2020,  there have been no relisting fees when relisting  with Easy Relisting, if the buyer requested a cancellation or changed their mind.

Insertion fees and feature fees will not be applied again when you relist your item using the Easy Relisting feature. Final value fees and other fees will still apply after a successful sale. 


You can use the Easy Relisting feature when you accept and complete a return or cancellation for single quantity listings.


  • For cancellations:
    • When the buyer asked the seller to cancel.
    • When the seller cancels the sale for "Buyer requested cancel" or "Problem with buyer's address" reasons.


  • For returns:
    • ​When the buyer gives a "Buyer changed their mind" reason and we know the item was returned and a full refund offered.


Please note, the item will be listed  on eBay exactly as it was before the sale.

Don’t forget, you can continue to select Easy Relisting with APIs tools, but it is no longer the default setting.



Your eBay team