We’ve launched new shop features, including a shops tab in Seller Hub, inventory strips, a marketing banner and more.


With the festive season just around the corner, we’re excited to announce recently launched features to help you get the most from your shop this season. 


In the Autumn Seller Update, we let you know about upcoming features, including a dedicated Seller Hub shop tab and a new About tab. Those new features are now live and ready to help you use your shop to tell your story, drive traffic, and showcase your inventory over the festive season. 

eBay shops now have:


  • A dedicated shop tab in Seller Hub—Easily set up and manage your shop, and access all the latest shops features, from your one-stop-shop in Seller Hub. 
  • An About tab—Tell buyers who you are and what you do in your shop’s About tab. 
  • Store policies—Set expectations with your buyers around your shipping, return, and business policies. 
  • Inventory strips—Choose which items your buyers see first by adding up to 4 inventory strips, each with up to 6 items. Choose from topics such as “Featured items,” “Just in,” “Festive collection,” and more.
  • Visual categories—Add up to 6 categories, each with its own custom image, in a visual “shop by category” section.
  • Marketing banners—Grab buyers’ attention and highlight products, sales, or promotions with clickable marketing banners. 

In addition, we’ve upgraded the in-shop search experience. Your shop search will now show all of the same filters and search tools available on eBay’s general search, making your inventory easier to find when buyers are searching directly in your shop. If they search for your shops’ name, buyers may also be given a clue to complete their query.


You’ll see more updates and enhancements to shops over the coming weeks and months, including the ability to add a video to your About tab telling buyers more about you and your business.

Visit the Seller Hub shops tab to see what’s new and set up your shopfront. Or learn more about what your shop can do to help you grow your business. 


As always, thank you for selling on eBay. 


Your eBay Team