******Business seller news | Spring 2018 on eBay.ie******

27 February, 2018 | 01:56PM GMT

Hi business sellers,


This spring, we’re introducing changes to help you to grow and to make your business a success. We’re evolving to keep ahead of buyer demand, and with your help we’ll create a gold standard retail experience on eBay to keep buyers coming back for your products.

Find all the changes announced this spring

Growth tools

To help you boost your sales, we’re improving the marketing tools available to you and helping you with further insights.

Better shopping experience

Making the shopping experience more secure and mobile-friendly, and improving category and item specifics.

Returns and delivery standards

Retail-standard returns policies and delivery experiences that are gold standard, meet buyer expectations and help to boost your sales.


Changes on our international sites

Do you sell on sites other than eBay.ie? We've summarised the changes on international eBay sites for you.

As always, thanks for selling with us.

The eBay Team