Signature Files and Animated Gifs

Good Morning,

I am afraid to say that we have arrived at a post I had hoped I would not have to make 😞 I will be posting this message across most of the main boards throughout the day.

The size of Signature Files in posts is starting to get a little too out of hand. Lately the size has been creeping up and in some cases there are two or three different things in sig files pushing out the size of posts. In addition the use of animated gifs has been creeping back in along with ad's for sales and attempts to hide links in text.

For the most part I've tried to be as flexible as possible, overlooking the ones that are a little bigger than the recommendations. When they have been too large I've contacted members directly to ask them to resize them, and members have been happy to comply. This is no longer an option as it is taking up too much time due to the number of people needing to be contacted.

Were these reported Liveworld will act on them, and I don't want to see anyone getting a warning over something easily avoided.

At this point I would like to remind everyone about the signature guidelines, which you can find here:

I hope we can work within these guidelines and bring the threads back to a point where posts are easy to read without too much scrolling.

I appreciate your help on this.


I Pink therefore I am B-)
Please use my ID/email address for contact. I cannot accept Community Messages. Thanks in advance.

Veni, Vidi, Pink-i
Message 1 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

Some more than others :8}

(((kel))) :^O
Message 41 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

I used to complain about not doing very many poo's, but now I'm glad cos it means I save money on water and toilet roll 🙂
Message 42 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

Starting WW was a traumatic experience 😐
Message 43 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

did your toilet visits increase or decrease?
Message 44 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

Increase, by a traumatic amount 😐
Message 45 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

No wonder I lost weight like :_| :_| :_|

Sorry James 😐
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

Doesn't bear thinking about really.

Do you ever get really bad experiences after heavy nights on the booze? I hate that 😞 it's worse than throwing up somehow.
Message 47 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

They're referred to as "hangover poos" 😐
Message 48 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

Is it normal then? Cos my mates says she doesn't get them but it could be that she ONLY gets them cos she does drink most nights. We call her the slug maker cos she said they look like wet slugs.

I think I should possibly delete this but I can't be bothered 😄
Message 49 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

That just makes me want to delete it even more lol but I won't 😄
Message 50 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs


Oh I'm not interested in James, I want a nice rough bloke who works as a scaffolder or summat :^O
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

Maybe he's a part time pink and part time plumber? You never know?
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

God no :_|

)))girly blokes(((

He could be - but if he's a plumber then I'm sure he's used to poo 😐
Message 53 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

I wonder if he'll fit a new toilet for me?

(note: current toilet is not broken due to poo or similar, is just too big)
Message 54 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

Have I told anyone the Shatalan story :^O
Message 55 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

You haven't told me, spill 😄
Message 56 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

Two of my mates went to Burger King on a Sunday after being out on the Saturday and decided to go to Matalan as it's on the way home from Burker King for them.

They went to Matalan, wearing BK crowns and whilst they were wandering round, one of them farted and the other one said "eurgh, that sounded awful like you'd followed through".

My mate replied that she thought she had, they looked down and it was running down her legs ffs, she was wearing white shorts :_|

So they escaped Matalan still wearing their BK crowns and then went home and she sluiced herself down 😐 She was 20 at the time 😐
Message 57 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

Oh and the best part is, after she sluiced herself and got changed, they went BACK to Matalan :_|

And they saw her boyfriends ex there :_| Good job she hadn't sharted 20 mins later 😐
Message 58 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

omfg I actually retched a bit then :_|
Message 59 of 74
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Signature Files and Animated Gifs

They're my mates *shrug*
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