William Roache NOT GUILTY



Let's hope he can put all this behind him and get on with his life now!  

Message 1 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

No, he can't.


After having that hanging over him for months and months and having his life picked over in front of the World Press for four weeks, how can an 81 year old put it all behind him?


His and the other two high profile cases still proceeding should never have been taken to Court because apart from what people say, there's no hard = REAL SOLID evidence either way.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 2 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

Further to that, he may have been cleared . That does not compensate for the stress caused to him & his family & will continue to do so! Mud sticks I'm afraid no matter the outcome of the trial. It all seems to be getting out of control.

Message 3 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

I'm really happy for him 🙂 This is such great news 🙂
Message 4 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

Not sure I agree - he may have been found "Not Guilty" by the courts, doesn't mean to say he is actually "Not Guilty" - the verdict has been reached purely on unsubstantiated evidence, due to the time factor.


Many of you are saying "thank goodness, now he can put it behind him". However, I think if these women were brave enough to speak out, they were clearly very certain of what happened to them. Can they now "put this behind them"? If their accusations are true, then they have suffered a disservice by the Legal System. There are not many in society who would bring such a claim if there wasn't something behind it.


Having said that, I do agree that someone accused of such a crime should be entitled to complete anonymity until found guilty or innocent.


Message 5 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

Actually, should have said

"until and IF found guilty"

If found innocent, then identity should not be revealed at all

Sorry - typing too quickly!


Message 6 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

I'm looking forward to seeing him back in Corrie again soon now 🙂
Message 7 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

I'm not!

(Hate all the soaps anyway, never watch them)   Smiley Indifferent


Message 8 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

Now that he has been exonerated, maybe at aged 81 he should take the cue and exit stage left, instead of wanting to get back to work as he has said. Not as if the soap would crumble in his absence. It hasn't done so far.

Mister EMB

Message 9 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

I dont believe he is innocent!!!. He sent that suggestive letter to a schoolgirl did he not??. I did not know what was in all of it but i thought it was a concrete piece of evidence??.


Woman Surprised

Message 10 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

@cee-dee wrote:

No, he can't.


After having that hanging over him for months and months and having his life picked over in front of the World Press for four weeks, how can an 81 year old put it all behind him?


His and the other two high profile cases still proceeding should never have been taken to Court because apart from what people say, there's no hard = REAL SOLID evidence either way.

His accusers said it was hard.


Ignore anything under this ^^^^^ line... It's just my signature....
Message 11 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

Do you think that there ought to be a time limit to these sort of allegations, because of no hard evidence after this length of time it seems to be a case of he said , she said. Consequently it then boils down to who has the best Barrister & who fairs best under close questioning by them, in the end neither wins only those who are getting paid. & once again those who are watching from the sidelines & really do need help are put off from coming forwards to report offences against them!

Message 12 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

Saasher - it always, always boiled down to in the end, in every legal court case, who has the best barrister/lawyer, no matter how much time has elapsed.


Just suppose you had been molested as a young girl, and now felt able to speak up as an adult. Would you think there should be a time limit then? (I think that's what you're saying in your closing statement)??


Message 13 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

@rose2008-2008 wrote:

I dont believe he is innocent!!!. He sent that suggestive letter to a schoolgirl did he not??. I did not know what was in all of it but i thought it was a concrete piece of evidence??.


Woman Surprised

And of course the glowing character references of his Street co-stars, Anne Kirkbride, Chris Gascoyne and Helen Worth, wouldn't have anything to do with the outcome, would it ?


To quote good old Mandy Rice-Davies, "Well they would say that, wouldn't they" ? 

Mister EMB

Message 14 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

In this country the Law is that you have to be proved guilty "beyond reasonable doubt".


As there were many doubts, the correct verdict was reached.


Also, the Law doesn't "say" you have to prove your innocence but in many cases it's heading more that way but in "historical" cases like this and the other two "Stars" who're still on trial, how can an accused "prove" his innocence?


Yes saasher, these historical cases will harm the prospects of those who have a genuine claim for justice.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 15 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

@electric*mayhem*band wrote:

@rose2008-2008 wrote:

I dont believe he is innocent!!!. He sent that suggestive letter to a schoolgirl did he not??. I did not know what was in all of it but i thought it was a concrete piece of evidence??.


Woman Surprised

And of course the glowing character references of his Street co-stars, Anne Kirkbride, Chris Gascoyne and Helen Worth, wouldn't have anything to do with the outcome, would it ?


To quote good old Mandy Rice-Davies, "Well they would say that, wouldn't they" ? 


Message 16 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

Cee-Dee - what makes you think this was not a genuine claim for justice by these women? Just because William Roache was "found" Not Guilty, doesn't diminish the claims against him.


Maybe he is not guilty, but we shouldn't dismiss the original claims for justice - has it been determined they were not genuine claims? Or simply not able to prove . . .


Message 17 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

I understand what your saying , but really 47 yrs?. She said herself she couldn't remember all the details & I'm afraid as time goes by even the most honest tend to elaborate a story!.

Message 18 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

He was paying for his barrister, the women were reliant on the CPS... that in itself doesn't bode well for them imho, and held in Bolton, gateway to the macho industrial north!!!! Waits to be stoned... Smiley LOL


I think it's easy to view him as he is now, hopefully everyone has a modicum of sense at 81 but back then if he - according to his autobiography - slept with a 1,000 women and was unfaithful to his first wife many times, around the time this happened then I think there has to be at least some suspicion about his actions, particularly with his high libido. Nothing wrong with having one of those but he obviously enjoyed putting it about!  


It's very difficult to prove with evidence so it comes down to "he said she said",  but the letter he wrote to one woman seemed a bit OTT if she was just a school girl fan... You don't as an adult male actor invite a school girl to write to you, do you, unless perhaps she was interested in pursuing an acting career?! 


Of course he was going to be a complete "gentleman" with the cast members who were "character" witnesses, it was his job at risk if he wasn't squeaky clean.


I think he charmed the jury, kept his head down and was very lucky!


In the end the law is the law and a jury has found him not guilty which isn't the same as being innocent... 






Message 19 of 38
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Re: William Roache NOT GUILTY

I would really like to say something there that begins with B and ends with cks, but am biting my tongue incase I get slapped. Smiley Frustrated

If something like that happened to you, even after 47 years, you would not forget it - the barristers are extremely clever in the way they pose their questions (I know, I worked for a couple, years ago). They run rings around a defendant/claimant and know exactly how to pose a question to confuse you.

Possibly Mr Roach was able to afford a more expensive, more experienced lawyer, who managed to run rings around the claimant's lawyers.



Message 20 of 38
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