Our Postman is leaving.

So what! I hear you cry, Well for starters he is a most efficient courteous worker who always goes the extra mile for his customers, His Van is the smartest in the Royal Mail fleet and he takes great pride in what he does. He is also extremely quick, runnung from house to house like an Olympic sprinter. He is a few years off the official retirement age but has been granted early retirement at his second request. His determination to quit the job he loves stems from changes to the management structure and an influx of young driven managers who in his words treat him like a dummy. His is not the first case I have come across like this, there seem to be more and more older workers being pushed aside purely because their age suggests to many new young managers that they are Dead wood. Who is teaching our budding high flyers this nonsense surely they are not that stupid or am I being naive?

Message 1 of 7
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Re: Our Postman is leaving.

No. It's endemic in many lines of business. They don't want these clever people who can do the job but don't have reams of "qualifications".


A very funny instance along that line of thinking was over the management of woodland and the trees in one of our local parks (which is extensive along a valley with lots of trees on the slopes.)


The council chap "in charge" of it, a non-working office bod has a string of qualifications with lots of "letters" after his name. His management strategy for the woodland isn't right and it's rubbed up lots of people the wrong way, one of whom was the bailiff of the fishing lake. During an argument about the trees round the lake he told him "You've got lots of letters after your name but there's four missing". The chap though for a while and then asked what they might be, the bailiff told him "see yew en tee"..................... laughing

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 2 of 7
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Re: Our Postman is leaving.

cee dee ! I thought a see yew en tee was useful and that council chap in charge sounds nothing like that   Smiley LOL.

Message 3 of 7
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Re: Our Postman is leaving.

archie, I get the impression that once they have a piece of paper to brandish they think they know everything and are better than everyone else.

 Most of the time this is far from the truth and experience and good work ethic are so much better.

Message 4 of 7
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Re: Our Postman is leaving.

I don't think our young postman can even read.


He put a letter through my door addressed to a different address.


Wrong name, not even the same town.

He got the number right thoughWoman LOL.

Message 5 of 7
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Re: Our Postman is leaving.

We have a different one every week, and none of them speak english. Lord knows how they read the envelopes.


crooksnanny ~ maz
Message 6 of 7
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Re: Our Postman is leaving.

Ours is English.

Just can't tell the difference between North and South.


Message 7 of 7
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