BBC2 Joins the reality TV Bandwagon

Controversy surrounds a new program planned by BBC2 which offers a £15000 prize to the winner. The show is called Britains hardest grafter and it starts off with 25 unemployed young people given a series of manual tasks the poorest worker will be elimiated.


Full details are here:-


There are concerns that the youngsters will be exploited by this show and that the unsuccessful will find it even harder to get work. Calls for the BBC to drop the program have been refused but the critics remain voiciferous.

Two things strike me about this, firstly there seems to be an insatiable appetite for fame at any cost among our young people and judging by other reality programmes they don't seem too worried about how they come across. Secondly This appears to be a downmarket version of the Apprentice with a zero hours contract on offer at the end in the form of a £15k prize, given that our finest Graduate talent can go on a show and make complete idiots of themselves in the process why should manual workers be treated any differently?

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BBC2 Joins the reality TV Bandwagon



Critics have likened the show to “poverty porn”. Graduate Fog, the careers website that highlights the exploitation of young people, referred to it as a “Hunger Games-style TV show”.


Labour MP Louise Haigh has written about her unease at the “demonisation of working class people”, adding: “There’s a nastiness about programmes that seek to divide people into the deserving and undeserving poor”.


And James Pauley, who has launched the petition, described the show as “the next rung down the ladder in the disturbing trend of voyeuristic ‘poverty porn’ made popular in programmes like Benefits Street”.


Says it all ! What next !  Woman Frustrated


Some people young or not want to have their moment of fame regardless of the detriment it will have on their life thanks to the hype & forgetting that it will indeed only be for a brief moment if at all


It is getting worse especially due to the pressure of advertising/lack of jobs & the list goes on


I despair Woman Frustrated

Message 2 of 5
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BBC2 Joins the reality TV Bandwagon

Voyeuristic Poverty Porn programmes


seem to be the staple fare now on Channel 4 & Channel 5



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BBC2 Joins the reality TV Bandwagon

Wonder if the winner realize they will have all benefits stopped for a year as 15,000 is a years poor wage...wonder if the losers know they will have their benefits stopped for not trying hard enough to win and are therefore exactly the kind of tax sponging scrounger IDS is relentlessy working his little fingers to the bone on a pittence trying to stop taking out of 'YOUR' tax potty by starving them to death.

Wonder if the watchers feel an immense sense of pride the hunger games is finally on TV .


Makes me want to throw up ,but so does everything in the Media goon politics show.

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BBC2 Joins the reality TV Bandwagon



Yes indeed it seems !!


However I do not have/owe a TV & I am glad that is for sure !!! Woman Wink



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