Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

You've got to love the age of the citizen reporter.


It appears that AA109 had to return to Heathrow after several occupants fell ill. More here:


The fun bit is the "tweet" quoted there:


"Several crew and several passengers suffering with equilibrium, scheduled time of arrival in LHR is 5pm" (my bold)


Some spoil-sport has already pointed out that this might have been the result of an overlooked "autocorrect," but if not, I'd be intrigued to know what "equilibrium" (in this instance) means.


Whatever it turns out to be, and given the borderline permanent near-hysteria over anything unusual in air travel, conspiracy theorists should soon be active - was it the airline's fault? The caterers'? Is it some cunning new weapon of mass hysteria?


Perhaps some of the dihydrogen monoxide from the chemtrail system got into the catering...

Message 1 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 2 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

disequilibrium - perhaps. I'd have thought "equilibrium" genereally rather desirable, and have had no luck finding out anything about a medical condition by that name.


It'll be interesting to hear the outcome, if we ever do.


I still think it might have been too much dihydrogen monoxide getting  into the drinks - must be very careful what you dilute your preferred potion with, and how much.


(Loves a silly conspiracy theory.)

Message 3 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

I thought that there was sufficient info in that link to see that the problem was that probably due to turbulence, people were feeling effects similar to extreme "giddyness" perhaps even feelings similar to that felt when in a centrifuge, on the way to G-lock? 

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 4 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

I still think it might have been too much dihydrogen monoxide getting into the drinks

LOL (after a quick Google)  Woman LOL

Could have been Aerotoxic syndrome. I watched a documentary about it recently:

Message 5 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

I didn't see anything about unusual turbulence (although the online paper had a link to an article about an AA diversion to Manchester last year following turbulence problems.)


G-lock - that would be some turbulence! I suppose a loss of control followed by a mighty pull-up might do it - happily, it was clearly nothing like that.


It'll be interesting to see just what caused the problem. The fact that they came all the way back into Heathrow rather than lobbing into Iceland suggests that it didn't appear all that urgent (unless they thought there were too many people affected for the facilities in Keflavik/Reykjavic to cope.)

Message 6 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

I suspect that a "fume event" would have been identified as such by those on board - and would have been mentioned.


That "aerotoxic syndrome" is an interesting one. There's still a lot of argument over whether or not it really exists. Even if it does, it seems  unlikely - to me, at any rate - that so many people could be affected so quickly without some fairly clear precipitating event - usually visible smoke and fumes, or at any rate strong odours (the smell of sweaty socks on an airliner can, apparently, be caused by something even worse than me taking my shoes off.)


Lola, if you appreciate a touch of true barminess, look "chemtrails" up - if you've not already done so. Great fun, although I find it worrying how many people are deadly serious about it. "The Chemtrail Association" (I think that's what it's called) maintains a Facebook site - all very deadpan and really very funny. (Motto - "Dimmer skies are safer skies.") You can view it without being a member of Facebook, IIRC.

Message 7 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

There's loads of Facebook pages about Chemtrails. I had a quick look at the one with the most likes and all they seem to talk about is Muslims and Donald Trump  Woman Frustrated

I'll have better look tomorrow

Message 8 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

Here we go:


I suppose it's a little unkind to snigger at the truly credulous (I'm incredibly gullible sometimes, and can sort-of understand how some people might fall for some of the odder conspiracy theories) - but that's all done quite gently, as far as I can see, and is just a bunch of folk having fun with a little mischievous pseudo-science.


Back to the AA flight - I've even seen a suggestion that some form of mass hysteria might have been responsible. It really will be very interesting to see what happened, although it's the sort of story which will fizzle quickly. Unless any fatalities arise, of course - which seems (hopefully) very unlikely.


I still love the idea of "equilibrium" being some sort of a medical emergency, though. Still, I suppose the media need balanced reporting...

Message 9 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

Thanks for the link. I've liked the page so I'll peruse it properly tomorrow.

Yes I suppose it could have been mass hysteria but I'm not sure the cabin crew would have got caught up in that. They are trained to remain calm in emergencies supposedly?

I still love the idea of "equilibrium" being some sort of a medical emergency, though. Still, I suppose the media need balanced reporting...

LOL *groan*

Message 10 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

Oh dear, I've just had a read of that FB page and all I've got to say is... whoosh over my head LOL

Nite x
Message 11 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

Yesterday I had


Wired Carbon Dioxide detectors fitted



He did appear to be a better electrician than he was a chemist

Message 12 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

He got his Di's and Mon's mixed up? laughing

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 13 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

whoosh over my head LOL


It's all made up. I suppose some would argue that it's a little unkind for a few folk to put so much effort into maintaining something that looks convincing at a glance just in order to have a good laugh at the tinfoil hat fraternity, but I have to say I find it funny.


If you want a little more on the silliness that is the "chemtrail conspiracy," Wikipedia has an outline:

Message 14 of 15
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Re: Alarming medical condition affects airliner occupants...

...Wired Carbon Dioxide detectors


I'm sure they'll be fine.


Just remember not to breathe out.

Message 15 of 15
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