eBay UK account(s) but I'm emigrating to Thailand



Thanks to the recent surge and expected further gains of crypto I should find myself in a position to purchase a flat in a quiet Bangkok suburb. Bangkok for the local and international transport hub, cheap cost of living, cheap property, relative ease for a British citizen to move to, large English speaking minority (in some areas) and NOT the sex industry. This may not happen as crypto might sink before.


The plan is to start a masters degree this year, finish it in 2025. At that point I hope that my crypto is worth enough to buy a decent 1 bed place (exact details are impossible atm but I will need air-con and a decent amount of space to create a bedroom as well as an office area and a good kitchen) and leave me with liquid assets on top. At this point I can rent out my 1 bed flat in the UK (I have no mortgage on it). Should get at least 750pcm less expenses at today's price.

Obviously I will try to learn Thai, I will probably need it if I'm gonna use my education!

That said, what to fall back on. Is it going to be a problem changing my eBay account details for a potential address in Thailand? I am thinking of the seller account here. I assume I will have a Thai bank account but I will also keep my UK one. Is this going to be a mess for me to sort out or will it all fall into place.

If anyone has done similar let me know! IE if anyone sold on eBay UK and then moved to somewhere like Thailand, set up new bank accounts or what not.

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Re: eBay UK account(s) but I'm emigrating to Thailand

Experienced Mentor

 You will need to open another account with all your Thailand details and linked to a Thai bank account.


Nothing else will work properly.

Message 2 of 7
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Re: eBay UK account(s) but I'm emigrating to Thailand

Crypto ?.


An imaginary currency that i for one would not base my future on.


Hard cold cash i can do something with but i don't know of anywhere in my City that won't laugh when i want to pay in fresh air.

Message 3 of 7
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Re: eBay UK account(s) but I'm emigrating to Thailand

Experienced Mentor

You may have a problem opening and running an account on the Thai site due to the language barrier:




You may wish to sign up on eBay.com, you'll need to do a little research here.

Message 4 of 7
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Re: eBay UK account(s) but I'm emigrating to Thailand

Assuming the language barrier isn't going to be too much of a problem with translation tools; where are you planning to sell to?


If you're planning to sell to the UK your UK buyers will pay VAT on anything you sell to them. If your stock is located in the UK you will need a UK VAT number (starting GB or XI) to sell to UK registered buyers - eBay will not allow you to sell to UK buyers until you provide said VAT number. If your stock will be shipped directly from Thailand to UK buyers you don't need to register for VAT but eBay will be responsible for charging and remitting VAT on your UK orders.

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Message 5 of 7
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Re: eBay UK account(s) but I'm emigrating to Thailand


Since the UK left the EU my sales from the UK to the EU have just vanished. Used to be a big market for me. Meanwhile potential buyers in the UK will be put off by the shipping charge from Thailand.
Where I get sales at the moment that I think may continue after (if) I start shipping from Thailand are the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. At the mo (shipping from home in the UK) then those are my biggest markets (after the UK). I expect the UK one to dry up should I move to Thailand but the shipping from Thailand to the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand should be competitive? Anyone got experience in this?

I am not going to consider keeping stock in a country in which I do not reside. Everything I sell is checked and listed by me. It is packed and shipped by me.

Message 6 of 7
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Re: eBay UK account(s) but I'm emigrating to Thailand

Dear oh dear. Don't bother commenting on crypto unless you know what you are talking about.

Message 7 of 7
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