Filling in Item Specifics



I always list by using 'sell similar' from a previous listing.

For around the last week - when I click any item specific it (excuse the non technical terminology) jumps the page down - so when the options are opened I have to scroll down to complete the item specific.  Then scroll up again to get to the next one on which same happens.


With maybe 5 or 6 per listing that I have to complete (not autofilled from the title) this is driving me absolutely mad.


I use a mac  and firefox and it's never done this before. 

Is anyone having the same issue and is there anything I can do.  It sounds silly but it's putting me off listing anything

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Re: Filling in Item Specifics

I'm on iPad, I can't see the bottom of the page it sticks for some unknown reason. Then I lose interest. 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
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