Evri Failures

Reading the multitude of comments about Evri and having had two failures by them this week alone why does EBay not use its clout and threaten to ban them as courier from the site, that would focus their mindset. Failing that include direct access to Evri insurance compensation process as part of the resolution process instead of leaving it to the sellor to sort out? After all it was EBay that offered the service. 

Message 1 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

It's the seller that offered the service not eBay.


Evri do have a bad record on here, but so do Yodel, DPD and Royal Mail,  they all have their failings.


Ging back to Evri,  it all depends on the delivery person.  We have a wonderful Evri lady, who delivers on time and keeps me posted on tracking information re my item's progress, I have nothing but praise for her.  

Message 2 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

Agreed there is choice but I reckon Evri should not be there or at least carry a heath warning!!

Same here our local Hermes lady was excellent now centralised delivery it’s hopeless.

Worst customer service operation I have ever dealt with by that I mean impossible to contact

Dave Sent from my iPhone
Message 3 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

I have no issues with Evri - as a buyer they are one of the better couriers we have deliver here, as a seller stuff usually arrives safely and on time - frequently arriving next day.


Some time back I had a couple of issues, which I managed to get sorted out quickly and easily.

RM, meanwhile, late deliveries as a buyer and on the times I have to use them, as a seller. I recently went against my better judgement and sent a N Ireland parcel by the cheaper RM. Tracking says delivered, customer says not.  Delivery photo was just a picture of the postage label, with a bit of the parcel showing - absolutely no help in trying to find where the item had been left. I spent 45 mins on the phone listening to the most irritating music, and am now awaiting their enquiry into it.

In future parcels in the surcharge areas will be going by Evri, I'm not going to save the customer money by giving myself a load of extra hassle!

Message 4 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

Yep these posts just proves it all depends on who the Company is employing, be it Evri or Royal Mail,  it's all down to who is actually doing the delivery,  there'll always be some bad eggs amongst the good.


As for Customer Services?  Luckily I've never had to call Evri, though if they are relying on AI bots,  and all automated no  human contact, unfortunately I see this as the way the world is heading,  not good, I agree.

Message 5 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

It is over a year since I had to contact Evri- they were very good then ... but so was eBay CS at that time. If Evri have become like ebay is now, then I doubt I will bother in future!

Message 6 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

Because EB only care about fees and Ads....It's a failing entity so need too grab, grab grab....


They're all as bad as each other, RM with the 5.6 mil £ fine for failures, need any more proof....It doesn't matter who your RM postman is, not the same structure as Evri, they (RM Postmen) get told what to deliver and it's not letters, as Packages get priority to compete with half arsed companies like Evri.


Around here in our local Evri drop off, the printer never works, that's down to Evri as they use their own connection, it might depend on the individual delivery person if you get a good service BUT the service should be fair and consistant to all, not because your Van driver is OK and n i c e....


One of the last failures here was a pic of the parcel half hanging out in a letter box....It wasn't even our front door, it was 6 doors down, ours is a single number house and where it ended up wasn't....So a pic means nothing if it doesn't tell the whole story.

Message 7 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

Having sent an email to CEO surprise surprise got a call this morning. However Evri tell me they do not handle claims for postage bought vis EBay. Tell me have to go to Packlink even sent me a link 



Good site easy to follow but does it work - NO tells me the tracking number from Evri is wrong which it isn't 


Unless I have missed it can't find anything on EBay or Evri about contacting Packlink as the primary contractor 

Message 8 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

"Evri tell me they do not handle claims for postage bought vis EBay"


Sound like a cop out as they are still obligated to provide the service paid for, no matter where the money came from, unfortunately though, regardless of Courier, sellers are legally responsible for any item to be delivered to the hand of the buyer and that's where the mess is, relying on a 3rd party to ruin anyones possible reputation on EB, already read on here of one shop recently closing because of return fees....


Although it might not be as simple as one thinks as Contract Law can be complicated....


I would hate to be a regular seller here atm, must be a nightmare, I've got half a dozen refunds to apply for on Monday, and half a dozen more in the queue! No fault of the sellers but can't have dead money in the ether because the delivery service is not fit for purpose.

Message 9 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

I agree with daved1983red, sellers should have direct access to the Evri insurance compensation process through eBay, or the compensation offered is meaningless. On 2 Dec, Evri 'damaged beyond repair' a parcel I sent, and couldn't deliver it. The contents were worth £25, same as the insurance cover. I refunded the buyer immediately but a fortnight on still haven't found a route to discuss the matter with Evri, let alone receive compensation. Sounds like communication with the CEO, promising initially, would lead to another dead end.

Message 10 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

That's part of the problem methinks, 'New' Companies with no Customer Support, no way to resolve issues in a decent time frame, they deliberately make it hard to contact them for a reason, they don't have the real funds to implement a proper insurance policy as they are scrimping, they pay peanuts so no one decent wants to work for them overall, I know there are decent individual Drivers but that doesn't help the whole situation and unfortunately everyone knows what happens then....


Imagine, an EB system where it reports what is actually happening with parcels and not make dates up, then if there was a problem it's all done automatically, refunds the buyer, then Compensation automatically processed for the seller, that's the way it should be, the systems are linked but not very well and EB's 'look how great we are' system isn't helping.


I've got items 'In Transit' from last year....; )


And if the systems where linked properly, not that hard to implement.

Message 11 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

An update. Having finally got Packlink to accept the claim took,  numerous emails as their site would not allow uplift of attachment's they wanted, it went quite until an email arrived asking me to do a survey on the settled claim!! Guess what we had received nothing from them nor will they now respond to emails sent since asking for an update.  Read a depressing thread on a consumer group site about the appalling failures of this lot and tactics they use to delay or put off any claim. Interesting that the view on the site is that Evri cannot hand off their responsibility to a third party. The guy is trying to get it into County Court as small claim.





Message 12 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

Following up on my post of 18 Dec, I have something positive to report! I did get a full refund from Evri on 20 Dec after I happened upon a route to make my claim through Packlink. You will recall that Evri 'damaged beyond repair' a package I sent to a buyer and so it wasn't delivered. 

It was quite straightforward, once I knew how to make the claim, but I'm not confident that I could follow the procedure again in future, should something similar happen.

So I'm sticking with Royal Mail, which has recently been delivering 2nd class packages the next day (when with Evri they would still be languishing in the locker, uncollected after 24 hours).

Message 13 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

That’s good to read gives me bit of hope intrigued to see you got refund out of Evri

Dave Sent from my iPhone
Message 14 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

It is not a copout.  If you want Evri to be responsible for your claims you need to buy the postage direct from them.


Packlink sell postage for Evri and have done a deal with them whereby packlink are responsible for any claims made by their customers. 


So you get to choose when you buy the postage who you will have to claim from.  From personal experience, on the very few occasions where Evri have lost one of my parcels (as a sender) they are very good to claim from. Better than Royal Mail. And certainly better than what I have heard about packlink.


Message 15 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

If you want direct access to Evri compensation just buy the postage direct from them.  If you go through paclink you have included an unnecessary 3rd party whose deal with Evri is that packilink are responsible for claims not Evri.


If you bought from packlink and are trying to claim direct from Evri you are doing it wrong. You need to claim through packlink.  And there is a strict time limit so don't delay.

Message 16 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

After 3 months over 25 emails and repeating the claim process Packlink have finally given us a refund. They say this is an act of goodwill as they refuse to accept responsibility. The details and items they asked for was ridiculous and highly unlikely that most folks would not have. Moral of the tale don't give up they will try to grind up down also we will never buy my postage via EBay whilst they use Packlink 


Message 17 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

Glad it was sorted in the end and as you say they try and grind you down so you give up, in another similar thread some were complaining about Ebay saying things were delivered when they weren't and it's similar there.


If something isn't delivered or not delivered properly it has nothing to do with Ebay but you have to report it to them, why? To protect EB's failing reputation and try and control it, that's why. Another unecessary 3rd Party intervention with an agenda to complicate matters.


(For others info) Any not delivered claim should be and has to be made direct to the delivery service by the seller, NOT Ebay, it's nothing to do with them, it's between the seller and whoever the delivery service is.


It's typical though of the failing Customer Service industry, some companies are so bad they don't want to pay for extra staff to solve problems created by the company themselves....Profit before Customers is the way the UK is headed and once I've sold and bought what I need, there will be no more EB here.


We stopped using Evri because of the hassle of any possible claim, plus everytime we went to drop off, the printer never worked, cheapass connection as they won't pay for anything decent, cheap gets cheap.


Good luck in the future. : )

Message 18 of 19
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Re: Evri Failures

I use Evri, bit would never go via packlink. I always book direct, then you can go through Evri if there is a problem and on the few occasions things have gone wrong, they have paid out compensation no problem. 


I have had far more problems sending with RM.


Booking via ebay (packlink) seems to increase the problems a lot.

Message 19 of 19
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