Returning an itemignored by seller

I bought item that arrived damaged and missing bits, seller agreed and I already have money back, however they now ignoring me and I can't return it as I have no address or paid return label. What do I do? The postage will be£30 as its really heavy so want a return label and their address.

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Re: Returning an itemignored by seller

If they haven't sent you a label and the refund was done through a case you opened for item not as described,   looks like they too,  didn't wish to pay for that return postage,  and so you get to keep the item.


I know they're ignoring you,  but I would send one last polite message to say it is their responsibility to pay for a £30 tracked label,  and if they wish their item to be sent back, they need to forward thei money to you in cheque / bank transfer ( it cannot be done through eB ay now),  and  you are happy to keep it for ** days,  if you do not hear,  you deem the item is unwanted and no need to return.

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