What happens next?

Hello all...

What a fun competition!
Hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!

There are a few things still needing to be done from our end....

1. We need to confirm the winners of all the spot prizes and (more importantly) get you your prizes. I hope to confirm winners today and tomorrow. Prizes should arrive soon after, depending on which prize in particular.

2. As part of that, we need to judge today's flowers prize, which, from the quick look i've had, is going to be incredibly difficult. Thanks for taking part with such a sense of fun, enthusiasm and honesty.

3. We also need to validate and then contact the winners of all the main prizes that are still outstanding...there are a fair few! This will take place over the next few days too.

4. We need to work out the winner of the Virgin rail runners up prize. Again, we will do this hopefully by Wednesday.

5. We will also put up a page with all the winners (main and spot) once we have them all. I think we'll do this on the main treasure house page. This should be up c end of week or early next, depending how hard it is to contact people.

6. I haven't forgotten the isubscribe prizes from last time either. I will get some resolution on these in the next week or two too, and let you all know.

7. We will gather your feedback on how you think this promo went, once the dust has settled. We know there were some problems with different aspects of the promotion (btw many, many thanks to all those who helped out when confused people came to this board and generally made this a fun place to be) and some bits that worked really well. We'd love to hear everyone's feedback, good and bad.

But for now, that's it (i think?!). I have moved all the other help posts to the bottom of the board. If you want to see them, go to the last page. But hopefully this covers it for now!

Thanks again for making this a really fun competition and a typically unique eBay experience!

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