I HAVE KUDOS !!!!!!!

Cannot believe it, I have kudos.

Now, I don't have to let this small fact getting to my head,but strangely the birds today are singing in tune,and why I am doing a Gene Kelly under this fastidious F February rain?

You still got it Morpurgo, you still got it.

Now, clear head, far from boosting,but where can I buy cotton kudos to stitch on my right arm of my bright red............jacket,

(EBay of course).

Hu, by the way,what a kudo look like?

Well, I can imagine to be like a shield,with a number in it.

Ready to search the shops at my lunch break.

7 kudos, unreal.


I take off my name from the windscreen of my trusted(and loyal)

Ford fortuna thatlookmorelikeamustang in a gentle shade of green with subtle tone of yellow and I replaced with the sticker lovingly

prepared for me by my auntie Wallace.

Sticker read:"vieb which of course stand for very important e

Bayer.Not bad,classy,I can still look when I am driving,just have to bend at 90 degrees to my left under the 75x135 inches sticker.

Here we go, off to the shop.Will let you know......

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Re: I HAVE KUDOS !!!!!!!

Experienced Mentor

If it makes you so happy, here, have another one for making me smile!

Message 2 of 5
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Re: I HAVE KUDOS !!!!!!!

I think they're like those swimming badges you used to get at primary school, they were sewn onto your swimming costume by doting Mums heart


Or maybe like Brownie badges? Woman Very Happy


Your Ebay Forums Badge, for tidying up your bedroom, helping an old lady across the road, and entertaining your fellow forummers Woman Very Happy

Message 3 of 5
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Re: I HAVE KUDOS !!!!!!!

...and another 🙂

Message 4 of 5
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Re: I HAVE KUDOS !!!!!!!

And me Woman LOL


crooksnanny ~ maz
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