This is pretty awesome

So - the Rosetta spacecraft - the one that's been in hibernation in deep space until they woke it up in June for a special mission.


Here's the Graundian page - with the background info


But then there's a link to give an interactive simple explantion with circles and blobs



But then there's another link which shows how it's all happening and it's all very Star Trekish (that's the original Star Trek, way back when .....)


I hope the beautiful dance goes according to the choreography.





My body is an old warehouse full of declining storage, my mind is a dusty old reference library, strictly for members and archaeologists only
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Re: This is pretty awesome

WOW! I've only just had time to view this, Awesome doesn't really cover it, but I know what you mean!
Comets are really interesting& I would love to know more about them I wonder if we will be able to see pics of it in the future , I do hope so. Thanks for the links Aernethril .

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