Sherlock Holmes and Watson go camping ...

Our intrepid pair decide to spend a couple of nights in the open.  Holmes wakes Watson from a sound sleep.

"Watson, looking up, there is not a cloud in the sky.  I can see the Plough and numerous other constellations.  What does that tell you?"

"Well Holmes, as you well know a star is, in fact, a sun.  So if there are about three million stars out there, each star represents a galaxy with it's own network of planets and moons.  It seems inconceivable that we are th only planet with any life on.  I have thought of the matter in ernest and I am of firm belief that there must be life on other planets!  What about you, Holmes?"

"Very interesting, Watson.  My observations are rather more down to earth though."

"Oh, what's that, Holmes?"

I deduce that if we can see three million stars in the night sky, it tells me one thing."

"Which is?"


"Somebody has stolen our tent!" ROTF!

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