Naughty but nice - virtual roulette

On the way back from the Post Office stuck my head into a betting shop.  Had a reasonable amount of loose change and had to wait ages to get on to a 20p Roulette wheel - minimum stake £1.00  After watching some sucker go from £140.00 to zero in eight minutes I finally got the chance to invest a phenominal £1.20  Had I been with my o/h she'd never have allowed it.  Forty seconds later I was £7.20 better off.

I was happy and walked out with a smile on my face.

I don't know where those dummies get that type of money - they deserve to lose!Man Very Happy  Glad I can't waste money.  Wife knows nothing about it.


I don't waste money on the Euromillions but do the National Lottery to try to win £25.00.  I don't aim high.  I'm not greedy.

What's the betting it will come up trumps one day because of my laid back attitude?

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