A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

I tried to buy a book today and got the message 'The seller isn't accepting bids or offers from you ' I looked up what that message meant and found out that it means the seller had blocked me. So I looked up what previous orders I made from that seller and found out that it was one I left negative feedback on. The last book I ordered from them got held up by Royal Mail and took nine days to get to me, and I said so in my feedback. EBay kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to leave negative feedback , and persuading me to discuss the problem with the seller, but never told me that the seller could block me for it. I was never told that the seller had blocked me, and only found out today. I'm now wondering if a seller is allowed to block a buyer over just ONE negative review over something that wasn't their fault.

Message 1 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

A neutral might have been more appropriate; unless you sincerely believe the seller to have caused the delay...  Perhaps they're justified in being hacked off at you sullying their reputation for something that was Royal Mail's fault?   - And they do have the right to block anyone they decide they don't want to deal with. 

- If everything is promoted then nothing is promoted... and many are defrauded!
Message 2 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

Your follow up FB was "Sorry for this feedback. Is there anything I can do to make this right? It wasn't your fault, Royal Mail just delivered it late."


Guessing as the delay was down to RM and not the sellers fault ?.

So as you asked "Is there anything I can do to make this right ?" . I think getting the neg removed would have been a good start.

Astronomy is looking up
Message 3 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

I think MOST sellers block any buyers that give a negative... why would ANYONE want to buy from somewhere that they received such terrible service that they felt it necessary to leave a negative??  


If you were prepared to use the seller again then that must mean the negative you left was unnecessary.

Message 4 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

Experienced Mentor

"I'm now wondering if a seller is allowed to block a buyer over just ONE negative review over something that wasn't their fault."


sellers can block any member they want to.


You admit it was not the sellers fault but you still left negative feedback damaging their account.


In any event why would a buyer want to deal with a seller they had left a negative for?



Message 5 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

Yes they can and they should. I block for less. Sellers are not here to be scapegoats when something goes wrong. If you can't behave then your not welcome to seller's business.

Message 6 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

I understand sellers blocking buyers over many negative reviews, but they blocked me over just one. I am usually a very good buyer and leave lots of positive feedback, hardly ever leave bad feedback, so it seems a bit unfair to block me over just one bad review when other buyers have been blocked for more.

Message 7 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

But usually I leave lots of positive feedback. It's not very often I leave a bad review, and it's unfair to block me for that one bad review when other buyers have been blocked for more. This seller (a book company) has had hundreds of other bad reviews for other books being delayed, so my review didn't make much difference.

Message 8 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

I have already left follow up feedback to say sorry, as well as DMed them. This seller (a book company) has had hundreds of other bad reviews about books being delayed, so mine didn't make much of a difference. I don't leave bad feedback very often, and it just seems unfair to be blocked over only one when other buyers have been blocked for more.

Message 9 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

I didn't know they were the seller I left the negative for until I checked my past orders, as I left the negative months ago. And other buyers have been blocked for several bad reviews: why block me over just one? The seller, a book company, has hundreds of bad reviews from other buyers about books being delayed, so mine didn't make much difference. I shouldn't be blamed completely.

Message 10 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

It might interest you to know the book seller who's blocked you has their own website.

You could buy from it and as you can't leave feedback on it I doubt they'll block you.

Plus the books will probably be a bit cheaper than eBay.

I've bought from their website and didn't know they sold on eBay until today.

Message 11 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

It isn't about blame, it's about a seller having the right to block someone from having the chance at giving them another negative. I'm really finding it hard to understand why it bothers you so much that you can't buy from someone who gave you a terrible experience.  Move on and find another seller then you can stop worrying about this.

Message 12 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

Sellers can block bidders for any reason.

Certainly, if a buyer left me a negative, they would be blocked.

Bidders who cancel bids, don't pay, leave a lot of negative feedback for other sellers, make low offers or open a case also get blocked.

Sellers can choose who they sell to and many sellers take negative feedback very seriously.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 13 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

Like @jckl1957 I block buyers if they leave a negative, and especially if the matter was beyond my control eg the delivery process. Also non payers are always top of the list for being blocked, although we deal with them by ensuring they get a strike on their account by cancelling as did not pay.


The correct way, is to mark down the DSR ratings not leave a negative, it is somewhat harsh that you have done that in the first place, however at the time it can seem frustrating, perhaps a neutral would have been appropriate if you felt that way inclined.

My business was a finalist in the ebay business awards 2023.
Message 14 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

Sellers and buyers alike can encounter disputes, returns, reedback, abuse, a namesless instinct that they have encounterede a foam-spattering booby who might do anything.


A major difference is that the buyer can read feedback from people like himself, and stude the listing for sigbs of craftiness or weirdness. The buyer can be dropped into a transaction in the twinkle of a twinkle.  SWo they have the blocks to compensate.


A few run up BBLs of hundreds, sometimes just for asking questions before buying. It is probably a chest-beating exercise, aimed at acquiring self-respect in a threatening world. But you can consider it a form of buyer protection.


How many sellers always block for bad feedback, or any other reason, is one of the great mysteries of ebay. Most buyers neg sellers or use the MBG in a small proportion of their transactions. It doesn't take that many good transactions to outweigh the loss on a  bad one. "I got neggeed because I goofed" (which is rumoured to happen on ebay),  can cause a seller to do the calculation and hope for repeat business he can get right.


You should be careful about negging for late delivery, and look for firm indications that Effort Deficience Syndrome on the part of the seller was the cause.


As to whether there was anything you could do after feedback was left, , there certainly was, as long as you didn't leave it too late. The seller can put in a formal feedback revision request, which you could then agree.


He might then agree to remove a block, especially if you suggested the revusion when he didn't know about it.

Message 15 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

Your saying it's unfair to block you over one negative, but as pointed out, it's unfair to leave a key for someone who had no control over the situation, it works both ways 😉 

If there's still a window open to change the feedback, it would be a nice gesture and fair to the seller, but whether they'll unblock you after is their decision.

Message 16 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

I have been blocked for a lot less than that.

I complained about an item I received not being packaged as in picture.

I never left any feedback but was blocked from buying again.

Some sellers are very touchy.


Message 17 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

As a seller I would block any buyer who leaves negative for whatever reason. As a buyer I would also never buy from that seller again. Your post is a bit of a non-sequitur.

Message 18 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

Further to all the above comments, you will proably have been added to many more blocked buyers lists,both for your intitial actions, and your failure/refusal to understand the seller's position.

Message 19 of 29
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Re: A seller blocked me for leaving negative feedback on a previous order

@macahead14 wrote:

I tried to buy a book today and got the message 'The seller isn't accepting bids or offers from you ' I looked up what that message meant and found out that it means the seller had blocked me. So I looked up what previous orders I made from that seller and found out that it was one I left negative feedback on. The last book I ordered from them got held up by Royal Mail and took nine days to get to me, and I said so in my feedback. EBay kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to leave negative feedback , and persuading me to discuss the problem with the seller, but never told me that the seller could block me for it. I was never told that the seller had blocked me, and only found out today. I'm now wondering if a seller is allowed to block a buyer over just ONE negative review over something that wasn't their fault.

@macahead14 I too can fully understand why the seller blocked you and I would have done the same. I'm all for fairness and if I got a negative for something I'd done wrong and not dealt with then that's fair enough and fully deserved and the buyer doesn't deserve to be blocked. That said, I wouldn't expect a buyer to want to buy from me again in those circumstances.


Your feedback was unfair on two fronts. First, you left the buyer a negative for something that, by their own admission, wasn't their fault. They despatched on time but RM failed to deliver on time. This was beyond their control.


Secondly, you left them a negative without even making any attempt to contact them to give them a chance to deal with your complaint. The reason ebay were trying to persuade you to contact the seller before leaving it is because that is what you're supposed to do. Here's ebay's info page on leaving feedback: Leaving feedback for sellers | eBay. Note the tip that's highlighted in the red box and the "What happens if I leave negative feedback?" FAQ.

You can't possibly know how someone deals with problems if you don't give them that chance. To leave negative feedback with no prior attempt at contact to get a resolution is extremely bad form. To do it for something that you know and admit was no fault of the seller is even worse.


Every non-positive feedback damages a seller's account. If a seller's level of buyer satisfaction drops then this does affect their future sales, both due to buyer's being put off and ebay lowering the visibility of their listings. Every undeserved negative a seller receives contributes towards that drop. The only tool a seller has to try and manage this is to block a buyer from future purchases which is only locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. Other than that, they're reduced to grovelling to try and get the buyer to revise it or just putting up with it lowering their percentage for a whole year.

Message 20 of 29
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