eBay Expressions

Hi all, hope you are well.  Just had a message inviting me to join eBay Expressions.  Wonder if anyone else is in there and wondered if it is actually useful rather than do this with your titles, that with your item specifics and don't forget to post when we tell you to stuff?  


Message 1 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

Strangely I got the same email, but ONLY to my private account (where I sell maybe 3 or 4 items a YEAR) and didn't get an invite to my actual business account.   Seems odd!

Message 2 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

Did your invite sound as if it was aimed at sellers? My invitation referenced buyers, rather than sellers:


"Buyers are at the heart of eBay and your feedback can help shape the future of the marketplace."


Personally I think buyers are well enough catered for on ebay, and really don't see there is any need to get more input from them to 'shape the future of the marketplace'.
Maybe good to listen to a few sellers, though - especially those of us banging on about EDDs, perhaps?!


As for the invite, that's a no from me I'm afraid. 'Meet other ebayers', why, what is the point of meeting other buyers? 'Meet ebay teams' - I'd rather the 'teams' got on with what they are supposed to be doing (enforce a few rules/laws, fix all the broken stuff), rather than having a jolly to listen to buyers say how they want stuff delivered a minute after they have ordered it, with free no questions asked returns, or better still a full refund and keep the item.

Message 3 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

My invite was aimed at business sellers, but they sent the invite to my private account.  Where I sell a few things a year. Not to my business account, which sells loads.


Sounds like they got their wires crossed.

Message 4 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

I got the invite to two business accounts, no private accounts, have signed up but never very hopeful since the time I was invited to Richmond in Surrey for a 9am Monday meeting.


Got its at around 5 pm on Sunday evening, the night before!   I could have taken off and got there from Edinburgh for 9 am, of course, but I wasn't feeling the love!!!


Been invited onto a lot of things since then, can't remember hearing very much after signing up.  Getting the impression a lot of ideas are soon forgotten in eBay land!

Message 5 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

i'm on there. I've moaned already. 🤣

Message 6 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

I enrolled but haven't heard anything since.   Can't wait to give them my opinions 

Message 7 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

I enrolled.  Went and it seems to have no input from eBay and is rather messy.  Posters just complaining without any replies from eBay so I'm not sure what to make of it.  It could be a very very useful tool if used correctly.

Message 8 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

Yeah, I thought the same. It's like here, without being able to create subjects, sort anything, or find anything. 


But it keeps all the moaning away from here perhaps 🤷‍ 🤔 I am skeptical, but I wonder how long it's been active. 

Message 9 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

@lord_and_lady_m wrote:

but I wonder how long it's been active. 

Aug I believe.. 

Message 10 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

Yes I just saw that too. No activity at all from eBay in there. From the comments so far it's a complete mix of buyers, sellers, new and old timers. 

Message 11 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

So a platform of angry Ebay users ranting at each other ? 


Blige bet you need a dark room and double spirit of choice after that experience.


Joking aside whats the point? Same as here but without direction?

Message 12 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

What's it like as I've been invitied 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 13 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

May as well join and see what's going on . I was invited after all by email 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 14 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

@wyntersemporium wrote:

May as well join and see what's going on . I was invited after all by email 

It's people posting without any replies from eBay.  No structure to it like forum sections just post after post of generally unhappy sellers.  Problem is last time I looked the last post from anyone from eBay was the beginning of Aug.. 

Shame done properly it could have been a good learning/discussion tool.

Message 15 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

I've received the invite aimed at Sellers today.

I agree with your views on Why meet eBay teams?  The eBay Team Members will be attending during their paid working hours and we would be the Free Opinion Section at our expense. 

Message 16 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

Got the email today, not sure why they are still inviting the views of sellers as all this site is about now is promoted listings, sales and coupons. Ebay don't seem to have anything else to offer.

Message 17 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

came here to see what the fuss about as I wasnt invited - Opps yes I was I sent it to trash automatically but I was invited from my personal buying account not seller  


From reading these comments perhaps thats where it should stay

Message 18 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

Im in too!  Cant wait to tell them all the things they need to fix...top of the list are

1) Buyers committing widepsread INR fraud

2) We as sellers should be able to control EDD

3) Change the feedback system to a 5 star rating or 1-10...and get rid of this awfull 2 decimal place granularity on feedback and save themselves alot of time, money and hassle...

Message 19 of 45
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Re: eBay Expressions

I have received one to. All legitimate, only sent to a select few so probably worth checking out 👍


Message 20 of 45
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