Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

So, for the last 4 years my rolling sales over 31 days was 18-20k the last 31 days sales are down over 50%! Never have I seen such a dramatic drop in sales than this month. Very concering and as such have spoken to eBay C/S twice to voice my concern and to check that there is nothing happening to my shop/listings to cause this.


Each time I'm told that my account is perfect and that its just a blip. I really don't think its a blip as there are several of my listings which were selling like 2-4 per day and where there's been 1-2 sales over a two week period.


Am I the only one like this? Are others having the same concerns and issues?

Message 1 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

Your not only one I very much doubt. We've sold on here over 20 years and it's never been so bad. Dead as. I do think eBay is dying as our other platforms are booming. Thank god we don't have all our eggs in one basket.

Message 2 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

There are so many threads and posts like this, but something has happened for sure.


Any responses mentioning the economy, weather, mortgages etc. unfortunately doesn't account for such a huge drop across multiple niches on one single platform where other platforms have not seen any drop or in some cases growth. 


This thread is very interesting with little interest - there was an update rolled out on 19th March, it probably coincided with some form of algorithm update or something that has not been communicated. 


The question is, if we are all seeing decline in sales, who is benefiting from the update? 

Message 3 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

We sell on e@sy as well and in December when sales are normally busy they plummeted and they said this was to do with an algorithm change and because they were running a sale. So like you say when they make these changes and sales plummet surely eBay suffers 

Message 4 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

I would have to agree with all comments mentioned I have been selling on for 20 years plus as well and never known it so bad, other channels are ticking a long nicely it is just on here.


Something has changed and by the looks of it not for the better.

Message 5 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

there are tech problems preventing customers buying on ebay.uk & ebay.com when using Mac, Iphones & other devises, lots of threads on ebay.com that I added to this thread :



Message 6 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

The tech issues are more recent than that, in the last week. We are talking March 15th here.


What DID happen was that the TAX YEAR ended and now shadow business who are actual private sellers must report to HMRC with their earnings and so they left eBay, and its probably scared off many others who are not in that category. Business sellers can't have customers without them unfortunately.  It is the only explanation that floats, alongside that eBay may have fiddled with impressions/views given by % paid in promo fee. 


Shortly after the HMRC announcement my impressions nose dived, and have stayed low and is getting lower by the month - 20% decrease month on month now. Then on the 15th my INTERNAL views dropped by 20%. External views is still the same or up month on month.


So either those views and impressions came from algorithm or it came from  actual people. Which is it?


Well so you guessed it sales has been down 20% as well since 15th of March so yeah, tell us eBay. 


(I pay 2% promo fee on 95% of my listings)

Message 7 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

have spoken to eBay C/S twice to voice surprised they didnt tell you you need to add dynamic ads or whatever promo they think will help (which is doesnt) - Ive turned promos off completely and sometimes back on at 2% and see little difference - My Amz sales are pretty constant and Ive even upped all my priced on there and they still sell, E@sy is pretty quiet - 1 sale every few days. ebay can be dead all weekend then I get a flurry so its so hit and miss that I dont really worry any more

Message 8 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

Mate welcome to what is going on with eBay club


We are the same terrible over the last few years 


This month over 50% down


And what ever u do it will not help it's eBay it's always eBay 


It's like eBay has given up 

Message 9 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

I read the document in the linked thread 'ebay Marketing Program (their spelling)Terms'. It reminds me why I don't use promoted listings. 

Message 10 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

Last month I sold a new model of an item I sell.

It went down very well with 5 being sold during one week.

Since then I havent sold any !


My listing doesnt seem to be blocked and shows in searches.


I know ebay sales can be up and down but this is strange.


Message 11 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

Which other platforms do you use out of interest? I have been thinking of expanding to other platforms, I sell window and door hardware.


Regards Luke

Message 12 of 13
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Re: Over 50% Drop In Sales over 31 Days

Seems to be still the same pattern, big drop in sales for May and June as well and nothing has changed to improve.

Message 13 of 13
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