How's 2013 been for you?

At the end of each year we often talk about our aspirations for the coming year. Now we are almost half way through the year, how has 2013 been for you in the great hobby of collecting autographs? Has it gone as expected? Have you changed the way you collect? Any surprises?


I have drastically cut back on what I spend on the hobby. My pre-orders are way down on last year. I am not buying much on eBay except EE and mainly some charity purchases. I am recycling more used envelopes, supplies, etc than ever before, and have switched to 2nd class postage. I am also spending less in shops, and have curtailed my charity shop mooching.


I have become very picky about what signed items I do buy in charity shops looking at quality versus quantity. Likewise I have been selling off a lot of signed books I have picked up to clear space.


I can get a bit obsessive about my collecting so have rein myself back every now and then.


I have mainly focused on Doctor Who and that has gone extremely well with a fantastic reply rate from each episode and from former cast members. Passed a major milestone in collecting signed EE cards, but with that comes the realisation that side of my collecting will be a lot slower now as I wait for new cards to come out, and slowly pick off old cards. One of my nieces took an interest in my EE collection and is planning some requests, so it will be fun seeing how she gets on and whether it keeps her interest.


Biggest disappointment has been the lack of replies from Vicarage Road. Only 5 from 20 requests this last season. A shocking reply rate. Requests to former players at other clubs has been very good in comparison.


I have found it harder to get the time needed to sit down and write requests. I do not like form letters that some collectors use, and believe if I cannot write something meaningful about the person, group or work they do then I should not be writing. No short cuts with letter writing. As such, there are some areas of my collecting that has been neglected like multi-signed projects and the Bond cards I started at Christmas. There are also some areas I would like to return to like Ashes To Ashes and General Hospital (USA).

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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

the years gone great so far for me nigel, ive bit the bullet and grown a pair (to coin a phrase) and decided to start more multi signed items during the off season when i cant get the united cc's ttm...iv cut down on my collcting  and just focus on united cc's, the odd multi signed and signed united related books, im still trying to buy as much as usual on ebay but its getting very difficult, the cc's are going for alot more than they ever did so its hard to find the bargains but im always on the look out and its great when i do come across one to add to the collction...the one downside is carrington getting bombarded for graph requests by greedy ebay sellers and people who just want to try and get an "easy" graph to put in thier collection just cos its easy to get...i fear eventually united might stop doing the cc's because of the amount of mail they get which would be a disaster for such as myself as its my main collcting focus....oh wll long may the cc's continue and thus long may my collecting continue and collection get bigger....incidently i recieved my first ever cc ttm on news year eve 2008 and to date my cc collection stands at 225 via a mix of requests, buys and gifts i havnt done too signed united book collection stands at 32 so again not bad in the 2 year ive been collecting them 🙂

Message 2 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

Not applicable

Overall so far in 2013 ttm wise hasnt been too bad ive sent out 81 and had 50 of those requests back. Ive also managed quite a bit more iping since last year so have been able to get people who either havent replied to me ttm or people I havent go around to writing too so in a way its cut back slightly on what I would send out ttm as theres alot of people I would have sent to had I not managed to meet them. Collecting wise my general replies and football replies have been good, EE wise ok still waiting on a fair few though who ive seen replies from but im sure they will come back at some stage. Multi's I havent really added to much ttm because my 2 main ones (my england legends shirt, and my 66 pic) seem to be lost been a year since I saw either of them now and they were my main pieces, will give them longer yet then probably start again, the others ive either got IP or in some cases its been Bobby Charlton to finish them off so say no more with that. I was delighted though to finish off my United Legends shirt which took around 2 and a half years to get all 50 names both ttm and IP.

Message 3 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

It's been pretty slow so far. I didn't do very well with replies from the States last year so, I haven't sent so much this year. The cost of sending there has gone up and the price of postage in America has soared. My Cranford multi-signed photo seems to have gone into the postal ether and I haven't sent much for Downton lately. My energy with this hobby ebbs and flows but I'm sure it won't be long before I sort some more photo's for DA requests.


My biggest problem is that I like old films and most of the actors I like are no longer with us. I'm not sure of the postage C/O the Pearly Gates.

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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

Just like you Nigel I have cut back a bit, solely down to the cost of postage these days. I now send out very little to America again due to the high cost of postage 😞


I have also cut down on sending to Football players because I don't if its just me, but during 2012/13 I have had more failures than I have had successes. I am also seeing an ever increasing number of my requests at Football Clubs which never return at all.


I am however quite happy with my steady collection of Boxers this year, I feel I have had some great replies in this area.


Others success for me have been from Team GB Olympic athletes, as well as a few Cricket players.   


So I guess its been a bit hit and miss for me so far, so with a bit of luck the latter half of 2013 may hopefully prove to be more fruitful.      

"Still The IBF and now also the WBA Super Middleweight Champion of the World - Carl The Cobra Froch"
4 Times World Champion
Message 5 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

So far this has been a year of mixed fortunes for me I have been very lucky with my Scotland cards and my multi Scotland team pic but it looks like my Scotland flag has gone missing .


I've had the same problem with Celtic as Nigel has had with Watford I've sent 17 requests to Celtic and I've only had 3 replies so I'm not too happy about that .


I've not sent out many books so far this year but I am waiting for my Jackie Stewart book to come back I sent that off 4 weeks ago .


I have plans to sent out some Olympic requests this summer but I can't wait till the football season starts so that I can get some more Scotland cards out .



Hail Hail
Message 6 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

Books have served me well again, Had the Clapton failure the other week but that's work in progress. Still a few books out there and have also had a few multi signed pieces go missing.

The Liverpool multi signed shirt with the Steve Gerrard IP graph on it has been out since last September so to as the multi signed Wales shirt. Got my full '66 signed pic back the other week but have an England team photo missing Nobby Stiles out to him and has been for quite a while along with a celebration pic. My Man Utd project book has also gone astray but "Hey" this is TTM and the multi signed ones are not for the faint hearted. Planning a few more Cricket autobiography's  while the season is here as long as I can pick up some bargains from the charity shops. Sent a lot less myself this last 6 months too, As Nigel I don't seem to have the time these days to sit and write letter after letter. Already picked up another as New Football shirt with tags still attached for the start of next season. Everton have a friendly game here at Stanley on the 17th of July,(Martinez first game in charge) should be a great night for the IP grapher and should be able to add to the Everton shirt I have.

"He who Dares" in this game.
Message 7 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

not been a bad first half of the year for me.  I've sent out more requests that I had this time last year, 96 and received 56 replies so not too bad, especially since 24 of those pending have only been sent out in the last 7-8 weeks.

I've had to cut back big time on requests to the states, just too expensive for me now unless I have a 100% nailed on address and really want to add that person to my collection

The new project for me this year has been Game of Thrones which I'm not doing too badly with so far and so many more still to write to, should hopefully keep me busy in requests for the rest of the year.  I want to work on a few more Star Wars multi signed photos as well

Message 8 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?


football has been bad for me this season, ive got so many request out that ive not got back for football i did get more man utd cc this year, doing really well on the cricket and F1

Message 9 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

After the year of my life 2012 ( personal life)2013 had to be a bit slow but with the Olympics and Paralympics opened up a whole new area for TTM ,David Weir Hanna Cockcroft   Adam IGimili Dwain Chambers Sophie Hitchon Holly  Bleasdale and gold medal winners Jess Ennis Nicola Adams mo Fara others the first half was AWESOME  if the rest of the year is as good WOW. THE GAMES made my year i also went to them as well so am MR CONTENT

Message 10 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

Last year was the first full year doing TTM so I only have that to compare to. Not a great return this year - 33 requests and 12 replies (and 6 of them were from requests sent in 2012). Same time last year I had made 23 requests and 17 replies. Nearly all of my requests are to over seas - US, UK and Canada (and I have had no replies from that cold country), so returns are slow and i am sure sometimes lost. After the 3 this week I may be entering 'monsoon' TTM season

Message 11 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

For me its been fits and starts. Sent out quite a few football requests, most returned but still about 15 or so out there. Like most people on here, have not sent out as many requests as last year, mainly due to time and money. My main or new collection has been with the Antiques/Auctioneer lot. Doing reasonably well, but still as many to come back as have received so still hopeful. Once the footie season comes round again I will be back on with my England and Ipswich shirts and hopefully a few more new areas to aim at.

Message 12 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

Soory but can i tell you about 2012,its not TTM but its my best year ever. started by driving a Ferrari round Silverston then going to the final and semi final of the Premier league snooker Olympic games then a month in Singapore and New Zealand and i got to see my 4 grandkids after 8 years THAT IS MY BEST YEAR EVER

Message 13 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

It is interesting to see some common problems with football - I did not really expect that.


Cutting back is no surprise as I think many of us are aware of how harsh the economy is.


Despite this it has not stopped some fabulous successes for all of us this year.


Richard - 2012! What a year for you. Outstanding. I think 1998 was my year like that. Had lost my mother to cancer the year before, and sort of woke up from that in 98. Got my first home PC which opened up a new world for me. Spent three weeks travelling around France with friends for the World Cup taking in five games (two England games). One of the games was Belgium v The Netherlands - a competition prize sponsored by Budweiser. Superb vip comp prize. Myself and my brother had travel, hotel, meals (Paris Hard Rock Cafe), match tickets and an after match party at the Budweiser Entertainment Zone which was awesome. Came back from that and fell into that years Holidays In The Sun festival in Morecambe plus it was a decent time to be watching Watford and I was during my purple patch of attending all home and away matches over 5 seasons except for three games around when my mother was really bad.



Message 14 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

that sounds good to me its great to hear of friends who are down then good things happen to help you get back into life 🙂

Message 15 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?


WoW! What a year Richard, Awesome in fact.

"He who Dares" in this game.
Message 16 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

Can't better Richards year but I've not had a bad year so far.I've mainly concentrated on ex footballers as I've got fed up with the lack of replies from current players.I must have around a 90 per cent success rate with the ex players,but it's taking more time to track them down.My main concern IP next season is that Argyle are knocking down the old stand so I don't know how that will affect my collecting.

Message 17 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?


This was a brilliant post I loved reading all your comments! seems its been a bad year for football i hope it picks up as I know a few members collect autographs from local clubs. As Country Music singers get more recognition its getting hard to obtain autographs ttm as they are always on tour and don't seem to stop in one place for long! More artists are coming over to Europe and the UK now so you can quite often see them at a London gig! with one or two of them coming to Manchester! Kenny Rogers is at Manchester next week wondering wether to try and IP hm ? we'll think about it Just returned from Nashville and added a few more autographs to Jess's flag which is coming along now.The last few TTm we've sent to the US we haven't got back either I don't know what's happening over there ? They must realise the cost and the money we send for return postage? You all seem to have done really well though with your replies for the first half of 2013 ! hope the rest of the year picks up for you all!

Message 18 of 19
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Re: How's 2013 been for you?

not my best year,in regards to number of replies i must admit,.. but like others on here,i havent had the time to write letters as much as last year,,but had some very nice items all the same,think my abba replies probably stand out the most so far,i need to send more out also,but i am having trouble finding ppl who i am intrested in,and who are available ttm..will need to take a long think on potential targets in the coming weeks:-)

-- Edited by wheel-lose at 06/28/2013 11:29 PM BST
Message 19 of 19
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