Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

What was the first LP/Single you bought?.  Woman Happy


My first single was Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel 


My first LP was a version of The Top of The Pops. 

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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

My first single was Ride a White Swan and I boughts so many LP's I just dont remember which was my first.




The industry looks as though it has come full circle though doesn't it as vinyls are becoming popular again. Whis I hadnt dumped all mine now.

Message 21 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

So right there Misspeaches. I heard from a few friends their youngsters are getting into buying Vinyls now. 

I have a bottom half of a wall unit upstairs, it is full of LP's. Such a collection I have over many years. I might even get back to playing them again. Woman Very Happy And singing along to them.. *Best everyone covers their ears* Woman LOL

Message 22 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

Single was Don't Like Mondays, not sure about my first album, may have been Now That's What I Call Music 3.
Message 23 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

My first single is difficult, I had about 10 bought me for Christmas 1964 with a Decca record player - in those was My Generation, The Who - never looked back they were the band for me!

So my first LP was 'The Who Live at Leeds' in early 1971 £2.15p, my second Axis bold as Love' Jimi Hendrix 1971 from the £1 box at Woolies. Still have them both. Happy memories....

Message 24 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

Wow £2.15 (or would that be £2. 3s Man Happy). In todays money that equates to nearly £30. The single I bought in 1973 for 70p would be about £7.50 in todays money. Vinyl records were relatively expensive back then?

Message 25 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

Yes Correct two pounds and 3 shillings. Never ever forgot buying that LP - and its price. I still have nearly 1000 LP's - all sat gathering dust - but I would not part with them, much to my wife's annoyance! See pic below including my Live at Leeds LP.


I'm trying to remember how much singles were, I never really had the money to purchase many. I think talking around 1965-67ish they were around 3 shillings and 11 pence, although having googled it they tell me 6/9p - which I have to say does ring a bell but I would have said that was slightly later.  When decimalisation came in they were just over 50p.

Message 26 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

That's a lot and I don't blame you for keeping them. I only have about 200 and I never play them, but neither would I part with them. In the early 1980's and whilst still a teenager, I switched to CDs and have about 200 of them as well, although some are duplicates of the vinyls. I even use to buy some cassette tapes, but they didn't last and only have couple left now

Message 27 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

I sold off alot of my Cd's and put them onto my Sonos system, it saved me a great deal of space!

Most of my LP's are second hand purchased during 80-90's. I do have some really collectable stuff which I got for a song - just as CD's came in and people mistakenly wanted to get rid of their LP's.

I still have three record decks to play them on but can't seem to get the space to put a system together to start playing them - not that my wife and daughter would appreciate my music - no one wants to hear Alex Harvey play Vambo anymore! Bet that loses you?

Message 28 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 29 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

Thank goodness - there is still a few of us around, RIP Alex Harvey, you could have been a legend - but then again there were so many!

Message 30 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

My first single was go now by the Moody Blues and my first LP was Rubber Soul by the Beatles all pad for from my paper rond moneyMan Very Happy

Message 31 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

I have a few hundred records, I collected The Smiths and U2 when in my youth plus loads of other stuff. They ended up in the loft when I had kids and I sold the rarities on Ebay. Kept my stereo with a turntable though and now my kids are teenagers some of the records have made they way out of the loft and are receiving some air-time. My elder daughter loves playing some of my old albums.


However now that I can access almost any music on Spotify or Deezer there's a whole World of stuff that's easily accessible, it's awesome.

Message 32 of 33
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Your First Vinyl Record - LP/Single

yes but it doesn't crackle.... and it all sounds flat. I am getting a sonos amp to use my own speakers which might sound better. I use apple music but with so much available, it all seems to have devalued music in some way.

I don't have the excitement of buying that LP - ready to explore the tracks I had not heard and thumb the cover. CD's never did it for me and while my Sonos is great for dining with friends, my air guitar just isn't the same!

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