What is your favourite example of Political correctness

Here are a few to get you thinking.


1. The BBC has dropped the use of the terms Before Christ (BC) and Anno Domini (AD) on one of their programmes and decided that the terms 'Before Common Era' / 'Common Era' are more appropriate 


2. The European Parliament introduced proposals to outlaw titles stating marital status such as 'Miss' and 'Mrs' so as not to cause offence. It also meant that 'Madame' and 'Mademoiselle', 'Frau' and 'Fraulein' and 'Senora' and 'Senorita' would be banned.


3. Throughout several US councils and organisations, any terms using the word 'man' as a prefix or suffix have been ruled as not being politically correct. 'Manhole' is now referred to as a 'utility' or 'maintenance' hole. 


4. Loveable cartoon rogue Dennis the Menace has been given a politically correct make over. BBC chiefs decided to take away his edge in the remake. Gone are his bombs, catapult, water pistol and pea shooter - and in their place is a simple boyish grin.


5. Spotted Dick - a classic English dessert has been renamed to avoid embarrassment. The traditional pud Spotted Dick has been given the title Spotted Richard, after UK council bosses feared the original name might cause offence.


6. A school in Seattle renamed its Easter eggs 'spring spheres' to avoid causing offence to people who did not celebrate Easter. 


7. A UK council has banned the term 'brainstorming' – and replaced it with 'thought showers', as local lawmakers thought the term may offend epileptics.


8. A UK recruiter was stunned when her job advert for 'reliable' and 'hard-working' applicants was rejected by the job centre as it could be offensive to unreliable and lazy people.


9. Gillingham fans had begun to fondly offer celery to their goalkeeper, ‘Big Fat’ Jim Stannard. The club, however, decided that celery could result in health and safety issues inside the ground. As a result, fans were subjected to celery searches with the ultimate sanction for possession of celery allegedly being a life ban.’


10. In 2007, Santa Clauses in Sydney, Australia, were banned from saying 'Ho Ho Ho'. Their employer, the recruitment firm Westaff (that supplies hundreds of Santas across Australia), allegedly told all trainees that 'ho ho ho' could frighten children, and be derogatory to women. Why ?  Because 'Ho Ho Ho' is too close to the American (not Australian, mind you) slang for prostitute.


11. Some US schools now have a 'holiday tree' every at Christmas, rather than a Christmas tree.

Message 1 of 23
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What is your favourite example of Political correctness

Had to have a look at some of the daily mail comments after that article:


I do not go to Church I see this though as a victory for ISIS and all those intent on changing Britain and its values.Congratulations cinema chains you given ISIS and Britain haters another reason to think they CAN and are changing the face of once GREAT Britain.


Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. The Lord's Prayer used to be recited in assembly at every school in England when I attended in the 70s. Have we really fallen so far into the trap of the loony PC brigade that we can't now say the Lord's Prayer in a CHRISTIAN country - at CHRISTMAS?

This is Britain we are a Christian don't like it leave go be offended elsewhere I'm offended that subway near my cinema don't sell ham.



Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. The Lord's Prayer used to be recited in assembly at every school in England when I attended in the 70s. Have we really fallen so far into the trap of the loony PC brigade that we can't now say the Lord's Prayer in a CHRISTIAN country - at CHRISTMAS?


Well vote UKIP and get control of our country for Christs sake!

Smiley Very Happy

We are many,They are few
Message 21 of 23
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What is your favourite example of Political correctness

The cinema ad debacle is quite amusing, the Church of England taking it as a personal slight is merely free advetising/air time in and of itself.  When an organisation is that big they would know full well going in NO religious or political views are allowed in cinema's regardless of which religion/party/cult is making them.

Message 22 of 23
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What is your favourite example of Political correctness

My favourite pub/restaurant had a complaint from a customer about calling their dessert spotted dick.

The menu now says.......Winky with a rash - (previously known as spotted dick).


I read in the paper that a nursery school had been banned from singing Incy Wincy spider, because the hand movements may upset deaf people. The principal said that at the time of the ban, they had no deaf children, teachers or partents to offend.


As for the cinemas, perhaps the next banns should be for alcohol adverts in case it upsets teetotallers or alcoholics, and burger adverts for fear of upsetting vegetarians and fat people.


Ban the selling of sweets and ice cream in cinemas too. And peanuts.That should cover just about everybody. It wouldn't be very PC to leave anyone out.


crooksnanny ~ maz
Message 23 of 23
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