A poll of the top international mens fashion designers have voted Jeremy Corbyn the worlds best dressed man..............Okay, their vote, their choice, so I have no problem with that.



Where I do have a problem however, is the poll held by all the top womens magazines whose readers have voted George Clooney as the worlds sexiest man, with Jeremy Corbyn in second place.



What a diabolical bleedin liberty!..............It should be the other way round, Clooney should be in second place, and Corbyn in first.


Call me a cynic if you like, but this looks like a Hay Diddle Diddle to me................I would even go so far as to suggest that money has changed hands to rig the vote (Clooney is a seriously wealthy man) but poor old Jeremy only has a pittance, and a meagre pension from the Kremlin to live on.............That's why he doesn't shave he can't afford a razor blade, and every Tuesday and Friday he is down the food bank collecting his rations and sometimes he has to enlist the help of Dianne Abbot to help him carry it back to his travellers caravan...............What chance has he got against the likes of Clooney?



The biggest miscarriage of justice since a bearded lady won the eurovision contest.


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Smiley LOL

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Unbelievable indeed. Woman Very Happy

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who cares?

Next mood swing in 6 minutes

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Have you now been excluded from these polls Geo ?

After winning both so many times over the last 50 years, have people got jealous.

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