Taking Kids Out of School


In the news today are parents in court due to the absense of their children from school.




I heard a man interviewed on the radio this morning saying he had taken his children out of school during term time because the time off he had requested at work during the holiday period had been refused. Rather than pay the resulting fine he took the matter to court and ended up having costs added to his expenses plus a conviction.


So he ends up moaning saying how unfair it is, so I ask; why didn't he just stick two fingers up two his employer rather than the school and have the time off work during the school holidays!?


Any thoughts?

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Taking Kids Out of School

@upthecreekyetagain wrote:

 memories are worth far more and last much longer than a new car and furniture.

'Past memories can sometimes poison the present'.




Keith Waterhouse.


Mister EMB

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