Minor irritations

What things annoy you a little, or even a lot?


I'll start with .................


I don't get the point of those video film clips that are divided into 3 with only the central part in focus and the two outer thirds are blurred.


What's the point of it?  Is it supposed to make the action clearer?  It definitely doesn't do it for me, it confuses things IMO and makes it harder to watch. unamused



All that we are is what we have thought.
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Minor irritations

Not applicable

What about people who can't multi-task? Smiley Frustrated


Before I leave a room I will always look around if anything needs to go somewhere else, maybe empty cups for the kitchen, a book for the study, washing to go in the laundry bin etc. So while I am on my way somewhere else in the house I tidy and organise as I go. I don't have to think about it, I just do it.

My daughter will for example get up to make a new cup of tea in the kitchen, but will leave say a banana skin or sweet rappers on the table while she is actually going in the direction of the bin.

She probably knows I will do it next time I pass the table. Smiley Mad

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