Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

i know at one time they had a monopoly, but now with 100s of channels to choose from surely not.


Now they've came up with this, previously free to laptops and other devices.

Message 1 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.



you need a TV licence then as lap tops count as signal receivers ...cough up Smiley Happy


 What a rip off Woman Wink


I have paid my TV license for years & contacted them this year to cancel it !  I was refunded some of the payment as I explained my reason to cancel it that was granted


I did not watch TV thus was wondering why I was paying £145.50 every year for "c..p" & tons of advertising & hardly any interesting programs Woman Frustrated


Also I did not want to & do not want to pay for the privilege of watching even more" c..p" when subscribing to SKY ( dislike Murdoch) or any others


I will keep listening to music/reading the Guardian & books & practice my instrument thank you very much Woman Very Happy


Hope this helps also

Message 41 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

@joamur_gosof wrote:

according to the nice tv licence people lap tops and mobiles count and thats why I hate the assumes you are using it because technology is adding it into everything...smells like a gov tax swindle to me.

Yes, but it's more than just a tax swindle.


Isn't the idea to get women, gays and blacks talking all the time on the BBC,  so we will get demoralised,  and give up.

Message 42 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

@malacandran wrote:

@joamur_gosof wrote:

according to the nice tv licence people lap tops and mobiles count and thats why I hate the assumes you are using it because technology is adding it into everything...smells like a gov tax swindle to me.

Yes, but it's more than just a tax swindle.


Isn't the idea to get women, gays and blacks talking all the time on the BBC,  so we will get demoralised,  and give up.

Sounds like you've been watching too many of Victoria Derbyshire's human interest stories, I always switch off as soon as someone starts blubbing. Thank heavens the Open has been on for a few days.

Message 43 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

BBC radio these days, is mostly women, Asians, Negroes, and gay men.


That's fine if you like it.

Message 44 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

I rarely listen to radio, it's mostly unneccesary noise. I do listen to Graham Norton on a Saturday morning if I'm out and about driving somewhere, he can be quite funny in small doses.

Message 45 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

I think we'd better leave it, as I like a man in bed, which you will never be, apparently, so good night and sweet dreams, honey!


Message 46 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

Smiley Surprised

Message 47 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

Sweet dreams and kisses, bye for now, XXXX

Message 48 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

@jd.linklater wrote:

I rarely listen to radio, it's mostly unneccesary noise. I do listen to Graham Norton on a Saturday morning if I'm out and about driving somewhere, he can be quite funny in small doses.

Can't bear to listen to him. That infuriating and annoying 'cackling' laugh - mostly at his own quips - jangles my nerve endings.

Mister EMB

Message 49 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

I can't stand the guy on TV, far too shouty for my liking too. But on the radio I find his observational humour and interaction with his audience quite entertaining. But as I said, in small doses.  

Message 50 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

The BBC used to have newsreaders who had good clear diction, you could easily hear and understand every word and although their speaking included normal inflections, the volume remained the same.


Just today on the lunchtime news we had Reeta Chakrabarti who several times had trouble pronouncing "magistrates" and this evening it was Fiona Bruce mumbling away with her volume falling off during sentences.


On the BBC news website a regular thing is that the news item has (probably) been edited and someone is mentioned without saying who they are or what they have to do with the item.


I'd better not mention spelling?..................... Oh, OK then, there's often the usual wrong use of "their", "there" and "they're", "too" instead of "to" and vice-versa, "were" instead if "where" (and vice-versa)...... need I go on?


It's high time the BBC got amongst the newsreaders and reporters to get their act togather and stop acting like.... actors.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 51 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

The BBC is committed to diversity. 


Which means all BBC newsreaders must speak in a wide range of regional accents.  Thus inhibiting the development of any "Standard English".  


This is because a standard English would tend to unite the country.  Whereas the Marxist BBC wants to break the country up.


That is the BBC's policy, and everytime you hear a painfully distressing regional accent on the BBC, you can note the process going on.




Message 52 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

They say the softer Scottish accent is the most trusted, That's the reason so many TV Ads have scots voice overs. But for me there is only one kind of accent that is appropriate to deliver the diverse topics covered by News programmes, When the day comes to report the death of a British monarch I would want to hear it from the likes of Kenneth Williams, the bombing of Iraq by Frankie Howard, Bird Flu outbreaks would be John Inman and sports news Dale Winton. I'm not sure what it is that draws me to these people or why I find their oratory so divine, perhaps it is their overt masculinity or the impecable dress sense that ouzes from their pores, 

Message 53 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

@fallen-archie wrote:

They say the softer Scottish accent is the most trusted, That's the reason so many TV Ads have scots voice overs. But for me there is only one kind of accent that is appropriate to deliver the diverse topics covered by News programmes, When the day comes to report the death of a British monarch I would want to hear it from the likes of Kenneth Williams, the bombing of Iraq by Frankie Howard, Bird Flu outbreaks would be John Inman and sports news Dale Winton. I'm not sure what it is that draws me to these people or why I find their oratory so divine, perhaps it is their overt masculinity or the impecable dress sense that ouzes from their pores, 

You're right, we want to hear good standard English from the BBC, spoken without mutilated regional vowels.


We want male newsreaders, with masculine voices. 


The trouble is that these days, the programmes have women on them nearly all the time. I suppose it's because of diversity targets.

Message 54 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

And what's wrong with Charlotte Green?


Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
Message 55 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

@bankhaunter wrote:

And what's wrong with Charlotte Green?


Or good old Bill Turnbull even ?




Mister EMB

Message 56 of 57
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Is BBC worth the cost of the licence?.

Smiley LOL

Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
Message 57 of 57
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