Do they deserve any sympathy?.

£50,000 spent/wasted in 8 months.

Sounds a fortune but with no other money coming in not enough to last a lifetime.

Message 1 of 23
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Do they deserve any sympathy?.

Hi.   May be a good deposit on a house but how would they raise the rest if not working ?   😞  




Message 21 of 23
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Do they deserve any sympathy?.

Good point, but they would have probably had their benefits reinstated if they had done something sensible with the money.

Easy to say I know.

Doesn't seem worth winning anything if you're on benefits and I suppose most people would splash out if they had a large win.

Seems like it's caused more problems for them.


My own son won £1, 000 a few months ago, that was spent in no time.


Message 22 of 23
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Do they deserve any sympathy?.

Hi.  I am an older as they say.....and i think a lot of people may be  finding  themselves in difficulties too...... if they cashed in all their pensions...went on a wild spending spree and then tried to claim benefits again.    Similar senario i guess.


I have never ever claimed benefits 🙂 

Message 23 of 23
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