VAT added to some listings

Some of my listings have suddenly had 20% added to them - contacted Ebay support who gave me the usal 'sorry we are looking into it' etc etc. and fobbed me off with a line about not accepting liability for service interruptions - you pay for something (i.e the shop front) but they break it its not their fault! I for one will be removing my listings and going elsewhere - the bugs are part of life - the total lack of support is not. 

Message 1 of 9
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VAT added to some listings

Others have experienced this, a member has spoken to eBay Customer Services, they explained it is a technical glitch,  they are aware,  and are working on it.


Though no timeframe given for when this will be fixed!

Message 2 of 9
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VAT added to some listings

Just by way of an update - spoke to Customer Support again - same answer 'we're working on it' - unable to provide any timescale for resolution so we just have to wait indefinitely. Come on Ebay - sort it out!


Message 3 of 9
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VAT added to some listings

We are having the same problem, it does seem that ending your listings and re starting them does seem to fix it from what I can tell so far, but if you have a vast amount of listings this becomes impractical and time consuming and is not a permanent solution but can help to fix some of your more important buy it now listings. We ourselves are definitely noticing the impact of this glitch especially considering it started 2 days before month end. We have also spoken to customer service and got the same response, hopefully due to it impacting a few they might actually try to fix it. 

Message 4 of 9
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VAT added to some listings

There was a suggestion on the boards to bulk edit. Drop prices by the smallest amount it will accept and bulk edit again to put them back.

Message 5 of 9
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VAT added to some listings

Yes we did try this and didn't work for us unfortunately. 

Message 6 of 9
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VAT added to some listings

i went the end listing & re list route - painful but the prices are correct for now! Downside is that I lost all the followers for each item - thx Ebay!


Let's hope they read these posts as I will be doing all i can to get away from Ebay as soon as possible. The tech is poor and the support is non existent.

Message 7 of 9
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VAT added to some listings

I just revised my listings but made no adjustment to the original price which appears correct in the draft and it fixed the issue once the listings refreshed after 5 mins or so.

Message 8 of 9
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VAT added to some listings

I had the same response from eBay. That it's a glitch and to leave it with them. This has definitely impacted my sales and looks like many others have experienced the same tiresome issue. 
I will have to try the 'end and relist' option too I guess but it is frustrating that eBay have no answers or timescale for correction. 🤷‍♀️

Message 9 of 9
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