Ebay vs macbook

I don't suppose eBay reads this but here goes.


The pictures on the listing page are clunky and horrible to use and constantly annoying.

why do we want to magnify the picture within a small window so we can only see part of it with wasted space all around? it would be much better if clicking the picture made it open in the bigger window, not magnifying the picture within the small window, and not having to locate the expand button. Most websites simply make pictures open in a bigger window when you click them, no messing about.


It's over a year now since this change and i still find it clunky to use, and I am on eBay every day.


Additionally MacBooks have advanced trackpad features that are incompatible with eBay and make it hard to use a MacBook efficiently


If you pinch to make the picture bigger (magnify because no more room on the screen) it works but if you try to scroll around the picture to see all of to it flicks to the next pic left or right, highly irritating.







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