Ebay feed showing items that aren't in my saved searches. Anyone else ?

I recently had to go through many of my saved searches and edit them to exclude a particular seller who has started listing items of interest but all at exploitation prices.

The seller lists a lot and having their listings continually appear in my feed was annoying.

After updating my saved searches, I was surprised to find the unwanted seller's items continue to appear in my feed.

Click on the link under any of their items in the feed (that shows which saved search causes that item to be there) and the unwanted items ARE being excluded by my searches which are working correctly.


So my feed is based on my searches but is ignoring the exclusions.

Has anyone else noticed this ?

Has it always been like this (deliberate, pander to the seller, though it's never clever to annoy the end customers) or is this a software error on ebay's part ?



Message 1 of 7
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Ebay feed showing items that aren't in my saved searches. Anyone else ?


I have a particular seller,who I removed from my saved seller's list,but his items,over 70 of them ,keep appearing in my feed;- you are not alone,and I totally agree,it is very annoying having to keep scrolling through it all to see the things I want to;-hopefully someone will come up with an answer!


Message 2 of 7
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Ebay feed showing items that aren't in my saved searches. Anyone else ?

Are his "exploitation" prices more than you would contemplate paying? If so, you can edit your searches to specify a maximum price and then, hopefully, you won't see these "greedies".  Be careful, as this might stop you seeing amazing, once-in-a-lifetime (expensive) items you would enjoying looking at.

Message 3 of 7
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Ebay feed showing items that aren't in my saved searches. Anyone else ?

Not applicable

Hi. Yup, im getting those really annoying "saved feed" items. Personally, its a gross act of invasion of privacy. E bay should do something, and at least put a "delete 

" icon somewhere. I cant get rid of the listings and itr really ....... me off. Ive tried asking google etc, but no luck. Also, I cant get a complaint to ebay as the contact them section wont allow the message to send. So, if you find out how to delete the whole section..., let me know.



Message 4 of 7
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Ebay feed showing items that aren't in my saved searches. Anyone else ?



So, if you find out how to delete the whole section..., let me know.


Deleting is not really necessary. Rather than trying to delete anything, I choose a different page to go to, avoid going to the Feed page itself, and the existence of those suggestions no longer affects me.


If you are using a desktop browser you can also use the element hiding tool of an ad blocker to block the feed link from appearing on the main page, and block any other suggestions from appearing there as well, or block the entire Feed page itself from appearing in your browser.

Message 5 of 7
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Ebay feed showing items that aren't in my saved searches. Anyone else ?

I use uBlock origin Ad blocker.  Got rid of it now so no more annoying news feed from saved sellers to look at more expensive new items listed 🙂

Message 6 of 7
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Ebay feed showing items that aren't in my saved searches. Anyone else ?

How / what setting did you use to black the accursed thing please?

Message 7 of 7
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