Please can we have this option, pictured below, in our account settings so it stays to our taste? I am so fed up with closing tabs every time I go on eBay. I don't want eBay to open anything in a new tab ever!

I am not the only one who gets fed up with eBay always opening new tabs. There are loads of us and we are all left with a bad taste in our mouths when we use eBay. I have tried the fixes and nothing works. I shouldn't have to do a search when I open eBay, click customize and then click Open item page in Same tab option just so I don't end up with 20 tabs open. I often don't want to search on eBay, I just want to look at some items I am watching or considering buying in the near future.
Most people know Ctrl + click will open a link in a new tab (or Command + click for our Mac friends). If I want eBay to open a new tab then I hold down one key when I click. 1 key. I do not need a website to open tab after tab after tab every time I click on an item. It's a horrible user experience and often makes me close eBay and not use it until I have forgotten how bad it is.
My question to the staff at eBay is, do you hate your customers and enjoy making them have a horrible user experience or is the code for eBay so spaghettified that you can't fix it without breaking everything else? Because this has been an issue for years, maybe over a decade now and there still isn't a fix for it. So it must either be a choice to annoy your customers or a choice to accept that you can't fix it.
If eBay was a physical shop, it would be like there was a hole in the floor right by the door and everyone had to step over it to look around the shop. Everyone would ask "When are you getting that annoying hole fixed?" and the staff would say "We know about it, but it's just there. Don't worry about it, now you are inside our shop you'll be fine as long as you don't go near the entrance ever again...". Sometimes customers would trip on the hole and instantly leave the shop so the staff wouldn't even know that they had missed out on sales from those people. This is what eBay currently feels like. The hole is the endless new tabs that I have to go out of my way to avoid and close. It's a horrible user experience and eBay, you are missing out on new customers because of it.
Please, please, please fix this issue. It really can't be that hard to change some code and finally stop eBay from opening endless tabs, can it?