Cannot contact any seller

When trying to contact any seller, I am only taken to a blank page. This is the same on Chrome, Edge and Firefox on Windows - but it does seem to work on the mobile app. Some listings are also taking an unusually long amount of time to load (other websites are working fine, so it seems to be specific to eBay). This has only happened in the past hour or so.


Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

Message 1 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

Hi mikeyspiky200,


It'll be of little consolation but I've just checked (laptop/Win 10/Chrome) and it's happening to me too - view an item, click on 'Contact seller' below the username, then click on Contact seller next to 'Still have questions?' and ... nothing. Completely blank page. It worked yesterday.


Another one for Dave on the Community Team methinks:


dave@ebay  As described above - something else which needs looking at if you wouldn't mind. Can you let us know if it's a known issue and if not could you add it to tech's to-do list please? Thank you.


Message 2 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

Thank you for your response, it is at least reassuring that the problem is not only on my end. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

Message 3 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

On this account I still have the old version <although the message system is a new layout> as it's only a buyer account. I can message by the looks of it.


Screenshot (34).png


But on my seller account, I have the seller hub & I get the blank page... might be something to do with it? The address is different.


Screenshot (35).png

“We haven’t got a plan so nothing can go wrong!” Spike Milligan
Message 4 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

Forgot to add the usual ...  on a Laptop, Win 10, Firefox

“We haven’t got a plan so nothing can go wrong!” Spike Milligan
Message 5 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

Yes, me too. Glad the issue has been raised - any resposnse from Ebay yet?

Message 6 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

@zoomingmouse  Intriguing. This is only a buying account too - I declined to sign up for MP so I've not sold anything since it was introduced - and yet I see the same screen which you get on your seller account. The only difference between us is that I use Chrome and you use Firefox, though I really don't think that explains anything.


@fl1ckwit  No, no response as yet. If you stay subscribed to this thread you will receive an email notification when (?if) Dave does reply.


Message 7 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

Users on were reporting this as well, when trying to contact a seller through an item listing. Some seem to be able to send messages again, now.


If you are not able to do that yet, try contacting the seller through the seller's feedback or profile page, and choose "not about an item" when prompted to get a different entry form that works better.


Message 8 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

Intriguing indeed... I have just signed in to both accounts using Chrome - both appear to work, but each has a different design! 


Checking again using Firefox & same - both now work, but different designs.

At least it looks like it works, which is the most important thing.

“We haven’t got a plan so nothing can go wrong!” Spike Milligan
Message 9 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

It seems to be fixed now! The message box seems to be much wider than before (so no doubt somebody from eBay has been needlessly changing something again and possibly broke it the first time) but it works, so that's the main thing! Thank you all for your responses.

Message 10 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller






Morning everyone...


I can't use the word 'fixed' because things just don't happen that fast on here but it's all back to how it was for me too. Just another glitch in the Matrix then...


dave@ebay All sorted, apparently. Nothing to see here. No action required.


Message 11 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

As a follow-up and as another minor issue, since this was "fixed" I can no longer send an apostrophe in messages - when the message is sent this is replaced with a blank space and looks quite unprofessional. As before, is anyone able to check if they have the same issue?

Message 12 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

Hi mikeyspiky200,


For what it's worth (and just in case it goes missing I did include an apostrophe...) I have just checked a 'Sent' message from yesterday which I wrote in reply to someone and the apostrophes are missing, though all other punctuation is present and correct. I know I typed them so they must have been stripped out when I sent the message.


It is quite bizarre and I have neither an explanation nor a solution. The two may not be connected but it does appear that the "fix" to the blank messages page has messed up something else (quel surprise...). Back to Dave then...


dave@ebay  Can you please take a look at the above issue as mentioned in Message #12 and pass it on to tech with a request that they comprehensively test any fix before they release it? Thanks.


Message 13 of 14
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Cannot contact any seller

Nothing much to add, but unfortunately the apostrophe issue as explained in my previous post is still ongoing and has not been fixed. Should I perhaps start a new topic as I'm not sure that this is being seen?

Message 14 of 14
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