Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

There hasn't been a 2pm Wednesday chat session recently.  I guess that's because of Christmas / New Year?  So will they return this week?


And, if it does return, will it be going into meltdown over the proposal of mandatory Simple Delivery, much like this forum has been lately?


It would be so nice to get some authoritative answers to the problem of those sellers with disabilities requiring postal services with collection from their own address. 

Message 1 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

I have just read it and it is the usual we have no further details once we do we will pass it on, or we will pass your feedback on or we will answer your question with something that is of no help whatsover.


Typical weekly chat!! 

Message 21 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

unfortunately i couldn't join until more than 30 minutes in, and, haven't attended previously.   it seemed ok, but, i didnt see any real solutions or commitments to provide real solutions.

Message 22 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

Bit of a damp squib really.

Message 23 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

Hi Josh,


no it did not go balistic regards buyer protection or simple delivery - it was very quiet regards this - my own question was ablout the extra protection:


the reply i recived was this :


The Buyer Protection provides new benefits to give buyers more peace of mind when shopping. 24/7 customer support where buyers can connect with a real person by phone at any time of day, or start a chat to get quick answers. Sellers will also now be paid after delivery so when buying from private sellers, funds will only be sent once their item has been delivered. This can help with buyer confidence giving them time to raise a concern if they have one.

eBay is regulated by the FCA and you can see more of those details here.


So i checked the FCA register - Ebay can only deal with payments - no insurance dealings.

So for the extra 75p + 4% the buyer gets pice of mind. - A phone call - The seller will be paid after delivery.


Well my all my items are sent via recorded delivery - singles via Rm as it is still 2.70 to send on the legacey tool and they recive in two days!!- Yodel or Everi on 12inch an albums - all with the correct insurance brought if the items are expensive and will be delivered when they feel like delivering. However the extra pice of mind is the fact that I check and make sure the items are sent on time - i have taken phone calls for that extra pice of mind - i have even caught scams out by calling the service stations when they have been dropped of and have verbal agreements they have been delivered. what cost - no extra to the client.

would I charge this extra NO I would not.


If ebay need to get thier monies back they have lost by giving listings free - go back to a small charge on each item for the sellers. I never complained when I was charged for selling something that i sold for 275 to Amrecia - Ebay made a nice little eaner on it  - now Ebay will be forcing people to shop elsewhere as this will not only effect the private seller but the business seller as well - less customers means less sales.


My feedback tells the story - if i was a bad seller it would say - i pack well and send as soon as i recive an order - that is customer service an no cost to anyone.


Ebay will be charging for customer service which should come as standard.


Message 24 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

i do not usually read the wednesday chat so cannot say if it was 'better than usual' but i can say that it was the biggest load of question avoidance i have seen since reading the last lot of political drivel in the media!   Seriously what is the point of having this chat, nothing seems to get answered or resolved..

Message 25 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

not sure how the seller not getting paid until after delivery is a benefit to the buyer.  All they have to do is put in a claim for non delivery or INAD and they will nearly always get refunded already.  The other point is that the seller WILL (supposedly) get paid after 14 days regardless of whether marked as delivered or not.   Does a buyer really need 24/7 ability to make a phone call?????  Just how many phone calls or chats do e bay actually get in the first place from buyers that could not be dealt with by either the seller or the existing means??  It is all a lot of rubbish. 

Message 26 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

@johnwash1 aswell we tried didn’t we!

I was trying to be proactive in suggesting there could be more CS involvement on the boards, because the mentors are doing their damnedest to relay correct information.


But it really would be good to see and hear from the eBay employees that actually know how this is going to work and look answering direct questions. 

You can have all the FAQ’s but sometimes words and more words don’t do it. 

Like to see a visual of Simple Delivery, Buyer Protection fee transparency and auction bid simulation screens, graphics or a video on the YT channel. 


It would reassure, get the questions answered and open the questions we haven’t even thought of yet. 

Message 27 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

Excatly Kath


i respond to any messages I get from my potential buyers and have even recived letters from clients thanking me for sending so well packaged.


I do not understand how this will benifit the customer paying these charges - I really dont.

Repeat buyers wont pay this  - I give free postage - it costs me - not the client - If its expensive I pay the extra for insurance - not the client - I give good service at NO EXTRA COST  - I do not under cut some of the business sellers on here - some of my items are more expensive - but they sell because of teh photos - because of the description - because of the interaction with me - and this is all at NO COST


I can safely say that Ebay have dropped a clanger on this and need to backtrack asap




Message 28 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

The CS reps on the Wednesday chat obviously do no research prior to the chat.


Five minutes on these boards would let them know the areas of concern, and, if they were in any way attempting to provide a decent level of customer service, they would prepare, and have answers ready for the inevitable questions.


We all knew what questions would be asked, so it shouldn't be beyond them to work that out too.


Very disappointing, but not altogether surprising.

Message 29 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

I've read and re-read this one several times and still can't understand the response. Am I missing something (between the ears) ? ...


@leopardlass wrote:

we have been told that sellers will be made to use ebay postage when sending items ,so will have to print out our lpostage abels or get a QR code . Is this true ?as we don't own a printer or a smart phone so would make it impossible to post anything . 

Hi leopardlass, thanks for your question.


You will have the option to print it yourself, but you can just go to the collection point with your QR code and they will print it for you no problem.


Thank you,


Message 30 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

@kath3735_wxmjn wrote:

i do not usually read the wednesday chat so cannot say if it was 'better than usual' but i can say that it was the biggest load of question avoidance i have seen since reading the last lot of political drivel in the media!   Seriously what is the point of having this chat, seems to get answered or resolved.

I thought it was pretty much as usual.  Drivel.  I've never participated in the chat before or watched it in real time, but I have dipped into it from time to time the same week.  Always with the feeling that I'd like to reach through the screen and punch someone.  I don't mean the people asking the questions, in case you're in any doubt!


To be fair, perhaps, for all I know, 1 in 20 questions do lead subsequently to a change somewhere.  It's not very visible and the constant "but we can't give you a timescale on that" is never reassuring.  I'm left wondering whether these people have a manager somewhere, no, obviously they do, and how their annual evaluations go, what metrics they're assessed on.  I'd give a lot to have a youtube fly-on-the-wall video of that!

Message 31 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

No you are not missing anything....i too read that and fear that the Ebay employee missed something eg the actual question.

Message 32 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

I use the codes (alpha numerical) which are underneath the QR. I write the codes on the boxes and then take them my local parcel shop where they print the labels.

This is for Evri parcels.  No printer or smartphone needed.

Message 33 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

Thank you and kudos, that is much more informative than the response that Marco gave.

Message 34 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

That was the answer from someone who either did not read the question 

or did not understand the question. As they do so many times on weekly chat.


Anyway, will we ever meet the elusive team 

Astronomy is looking up
Message 35 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

@messier44000 wrote:

That was the answer from someone who either did not read the question 

or did not understand the question. As they do so many times on weekly chat.


Anyway, will we ever meet the elusive team 

Or wanted to evade the question?

Message 36 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

They scan the forums for system related issues, most of everything else is ignored. I understand its a team so guessing eyes are on most days. Its openly advised its a user forum, mentors try and do very well support, genuinely I applaud, but not always around/catch the posts. And yes 'us' guys are to interact as part of the community and in fairness there is an abundance of skill, support and expertise from posters, theyve saved my small business and I thank them


BUT, My bugbears are 


A. Genuine small business sellers pleading for help and they get not a sausage, no guidance. Shameful, they are mods and I dont know how they sleep at night ignoring pleas. They are renowned for copy and paste and in recent years it would have taken seconds to supply informative information on best practices to resolve on visibility and performance issues but instead who ever is in the same boat trolling the platform will tell them the platforms its a **** show and leave.


B. Weekly chat and when they do get involved and THEIR failure to complete or communicate, still waiting for those credits after 18 months Davey boy, how many emails have you got to ignore. Did Marco not remind you?  And noting says we appreciate your custom of 20 years by ignoring polite and courteous Dm's Marco. Manners cost nothing, Useless, if we treated our customers this way there would be no platform.


C. Many customers telling them there is a problem, most recent, EDD's and a reporting system thats just doesnt work and the answer is 'There is no problem'


Preached it for a while now, just because someone says its not broken, doesnt mean it sisnt 


Copy Paste Ignore

Copy Paste Forget .......From my experience


Bit brutal but for some its a LIVELYHOOD and thats so important, 


@darth_baggins summed it up in this weeks post, step up as otherwise its just useless


Yes hands are tied, and Im sure instructions are given but at the same time the fundamentals of this community support fail.

Message 37 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

That's me can only deal with Royal Mail who collect from me, might manage to get to the post box but can't do parcels another way the post office, lockers, post boxes too far away, can't walk, don't drive. I've looked at simple delivery and can buy Royal Mail parcels and large letters through them and it appears that we can chose which carrier, i buy online postage now anyway so that they can collect even letters. But i use 2nd post for letters can't used tracked for a small item costing a couple of pounds.

Message 38 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

From what I have read so far when Simple Delivery comes in you can opt out. Once it is 'mandatory' i.e. no blanket opt out you can still opt out but have to do so on every single listing and lose the 'benefits' of Simple Delivery. (thats tragic lol)


Ebay taking over delivery doesnt take into account the exclusions on compensation from various couriers or is ebay accepting compensation on all? Evri has a very long list some are below and basically negate most items sold by private sellers;

  • Glass items or fragile items that contain glass parts
  • Diamonds and other precious stones or antique items
  • Laptops, computers and game consoles
  • Lighting equipment such as vehicle lights and light bulbs
  • Paintings, prints or canvases
  • Musical instruments including their cases or suitcases when used as external packaging
  • Ceramic or composite items of any description including without limitation mirrored items, crystal, ceramics, porcelain, plaster, marble, china, stone, slate, resin, granite, concrete (or any item containing these materials)
  • Fossils, stones, marble, stoneware or any stone derivative
  • Articles made largely or wholly of gold, silver or other precious metals
  • Kitchen appliances such as white goods or electronic equipment with fragile/glass parts

So if ebay give you an Evri label for your china vase and Evri lob it over the fence will ebay refund for the breakage then realise they cannot recoup from Evri or will the business brought to Evri from ebay mean Evri have agreed to compensate ebay? Alternatively will the 'clever' ebay AI (stop laughing at the back) triage the type of item and select the appropriate courier?


Some Private Sellers have several accounts for different things or have several sellers in the family. Currently any sales can be collected or taken to one place for dispatch. With 'Simple' Delivery the destination hub may only be known at label stage and different hubs selected. Simples does not facilitate home pick up so an opt out MUST be available.

Message 39 of 46
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Will 2pm Wednesday chat go ballistic over mandatory Simple Delivery?

@medealady wrote:

From what I have read so far when Simple Delivery comes in you can opt out. Once it is 'mandatory' i.e. no blanket opt out you can still opt out but have to do so on every single listing and lose the 'benefits' of Simple Delivery. (thats tragic lol)

Simple Delivery has already been launched.  As far as I am aware there is no blanket opt out, it has to be done on each listing for eligible items.  When it becomes mandatory for eligible items then there won't be an opt out.


@medealady wrote:

Ebay taking over delivery doesnt take into account the exclusions on compensation from various couriers or is ebay accepting compensation on all? Evri has a very long list some are below and basically negate most items sold by private sellers;

  • Glass items or fragile items that contain glass parts
  • Diamonds and other precious stones or antique items
  • Laptops, computers and game consoles
  • Lighting equipment such as vehicle lights and light bulbs
  • Paintings, prints or canvases
  • Musical instruments including their cases or suitcases when used as external packaging
  • Ceramic or composite items of any description including without limitation mirrored items, crystal, ceramics, porcelain, plaster, marble, china, stone, slate, resin, granite, concrete (or any item containing these materials)
  • Fossils, stones, marble, stoneware or any stone derivative
  • Articles made largely or wholly of gold, silver or other precious metals
  • Kitchen appliances such as white goods or electronic equipment with fragile/glass parts

So if ebay give you an Evri label for your china vase and Evri lob it over the fence will ebay refund for the breakage then realise they cannot recoup from Evri or will the business brought to Evri from ebay mean Evri have agreed to compensate ebay? Alternatively will the 'clever' ebay AI (stop laughing at the back) triage the type of item and select the appropriate courier?

According to the Terms & Conditions for Simple Delivery eBay is liable for all loss or damage in transit provided the items are deemed by eBay to be eligible for the service and they are packaged by the seller in accordance with the carrier's terms. 



12. Liability for Loss or Damage and Compensation.


You remain responsible for any loss or damage to your item until it has been scanned into the carrier’s network. Once your item has been scanned into the carrier’s network and providing you used the Simple Delivery label and are compliant with these Terms and eBay’s Policies, as well as the relevant Carrier Terms, your item will be covered for loss or damage during transit up to the sold item value on the eBay.co.uk site. This means you will retain your sales proceeds in relation to the item sent using the Simple Delivery label. The item will be in transit from the point it has been scanned into the carrier’s network until it has been marked as delivered by the carrier.

5. Eligibility.


a) Item Eligibility.
Not all listings on eBay.co.uk are eligible for the Services. eBay will determine which items are eligible for the Services. eBay reserves the right at any time, in its sole discretion, with or without notice to you, to alter or amend the eligibility requirements for the Services, including, but not limited to, limits on the number, type, category, and/or value of items and/or transactions.


8. Seller Responsibilities.


Upon eBay’s notification that your buyer has paid for an item, you must promptly drop off the item at a carrier drop off point or arrange collection of the item within your stated handling time. You must ensure you package your item in accordance with the guidance provided to you following the sale of your item, as well as in compliance with the guidance provided here and as per the relevant Carrier Terms. You must package all items in accordance with correct weight and dimension limits for the Simple Delivery label provided to you. If you fail to correctly package or securely attach the delivery label to your package, eBay and its third party carriers will have no liability to you, and your item may be subject to delays. eBay’s third party carriers may at their discretion, and in any manner they prefer, destroy or refuse to accept non-compliant items into their network. You must post all items contained in a single order in one package. You must only use the Simple Delivery label provided to you once per package. 


@medealady wrote:

Some Private Sellers have several accounts for different things or have several sellers in the family. Currently any sales can be collected or taken to one place for dispatch. With 'Simple' Delivery the destination hub may only be known at label stage and different hubs selected. Simples does not facilitate home pick up so an opt out MUST be available.

Collection is currently available with Royal Mail but not Evri. 

Message 40 of 46
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