Messaging System Bug?

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I’m struggling with the new messaging system.


After sending a message to a buyer to let them know I have sent their item, when I go back to my inbox later – that message is in my inbox.


So I delete it.


Then when I go to the sent box, the message is not in there.


Surely it should only ever appear in my inbox if the person replies to it??


Therefore it should be in the sent box and only the sent box after I send it.


Is that a bug? or something that is intended,


Another thing I don’t like is that as soon as you click the message link, it lands you in the inbox and opens the first message.


I like to read/reply to messages in the order they were received so I’d rather it didn’t automatically open the one at the top of the list.  It would be even better if it didn’t open any until the user tapped on the one they wanted to open.

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Re: Messaging System Bug?

It's an Inbox, but it contains the messages you've received AND sent.


Just accept that ebay don't do any user testing, never roll back to an earlier design (which might mean admitting they got it wrong), never offer you a choice to go back to the version you were happy with, and are blissfully unaware of anything you say here or say in any forms that invite feedback (which are only there to give you a warm fuzzy feeling).  Welcome to Ebay-land.

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