Item delivered yet funds still held

Item was delivered yesterday and says so in the app.

Why are my funds being held till 1st March?

This new policy will drive private sellers away. Buyers Protection Fee drives buyers to business sellers.

Have they really thought this through? 


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Item delivered yet funds still held

Have they really thought this through? 





"Take deep breaths, it'll soon be gone"

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Item delivered yet funds still held

It's possible that ebay have thought it through very well as all announced changes benefit them financially:


1. Buyer Protection Fee - total lie, just pocketing the money

2. Holding private sellers money for up to 14 days - earning interest/investing

3. Simple Delivery - once mandatory ebay will make money on every postage label for every item sold

4. Hiding listings - ebay are hiding sellers listings so they have to pay to make them visible via promotion etc.

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