How do I get rid of the constant, annoying pop-up?

I keep getting an annoying pop-up - sometimes even when I'm in the middle of typing a search - wanting me to install  some Ebay app.

I don't have - or want - a smartphone and there is no way I'm installing it on my PC.


There is only one way I will access Ebay -  with my Firefox, where I can block all ads, block unwanted scripts, have the colours/fonts the way *I* like them.

In short, my Firefox, my internet, MY WAY.


I would lose all that control with an app.


How do I stop this *bleep* popup?  (Yes, I could probobly use my adblocker to do it, but, hopefully there is a setting on Ebay somewhere to do it).



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How do I get rid of the constant, annoying pop-up?

This issue has been raised a couple of times previously and dates back several months now. Here's one from the Technical Issues board:


I personally do not believe that the popup can be blocked as it's part of eBay's start-up process, so technically not a 3rd-party popup. Post #3 on the thread above suggests trying AdblockPlus, downloading the Ghostery extension or trying Brave browser, although Post#4 says Adblock Plus doesn't stop the popup and they are using Vivaldi browser which has popups blocked.


I've had this popup appear for more than 6 months now, though not constantly - it'll show up every day for a week or so then disappear for several weeks before reappearing. Like you I don't have a smartphone and am simply not interested in the App.


Annoying though it is I don't think there is anything that can be done to stop the popup. The only effect it has on me is to use eBay less and less these days.



Message 2 of 5
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How do I get rid of the constant, annoying pop-up?

ive  been getting sale notice pop ups,(items have been posted a delivered now ) reported twice last week and still poping up  and still coming up,how hard is it for tec to sort out ###

Message 3 of 5
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How do I get rid of the constant, annoying pop-up?

Unless I'm totally missing the point (which is quite possible) why not just make whatever ebay page you want to go to most often one of your "Favourites".


I got fed-up with all the ebay bumph on the Home Page years back and Favourited my Watch List, now that's my landing page on ebay and I haven't been near the Home Page since.

Message 4 of 5
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How do I get rid of the constant, annoying pop-up?

So now it's a double pop up - you dismiss the first, then a few seconds later another pop up appears telling you what your missing by not having the app.


Do they really think that it's a good idea to constantly bombard someone who's already dismissed the pop up hundreds of times? It's got to the point I would much rather just give my money to Amazon - no annoying pop up's on their site.

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