Heavily restricted listings

My account seems to be heavily restricted ever since I sold 1 book. 1 item up to £10 doesn't seem right to me and there is no reason for this to be so restricted and limited. Annoyingly I cant seem to email eBay and the virtual agent doesn't put me through to a person. Any help is appreciated

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Heavily restricted listings

Ebay seem to have fairly recently done away with live chat.


This is an Ebay link for you to try and get a call back




Message 2 of 5
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Heavily restricted listings

when you are talking with the vitual agent type in to the box can i speak with an ebay representitive this always works for me it sometimes takes 2 attempts but always works

Message 3 of 5
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Heavily restricted listings

What do you mean by restricted?


Are you unable to list any more items, or do you mean your payments are on hold?


What exact restriction are you encountering?


Have you provided all and any ID that eBay have requested and have you fully registered for Managed Payments?


If not, this is why your account is restricted and you won't be able to list any more items until you provide all the ID or other info that eBay require or until your Managed Payments are correctly set up 

Message 4 of 5
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Heavily restricted listings

I've never seen anyone with a £10 selling limit. It's rather odd as over the last year to 6 months, ebay has been removing or extending seller's monthly limits. 

Message 5 of 5
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