25-10-2024 9:30 PM
Looks like ebay have been messing about with the My Ebay Summary page
I previously had it set up to show everything (watch list, bids, wins, things needing feedback etc) on the summary page which i could easily scroll down and find what i wanted
now it looks like it only shows the watch list, with everything else relegated to a list on the left where they can be selected one at a time only
not impossible to work with but i far prefered the old setup so if anybody knows how (if) i can revert to the old version it would be great
25-10-2024 10:47 PM
Yeah, they are like a little child that doesn't know when to stop colouring in.
26-10-2024 8:53 AM - edited 26-10-2024 8:56 AM
@caryl576 wrote:Looks like ebay have been messing about with the My Ebay Summary page
I previously had it set up to show everything (watch list, bids, wins, things needing feedback etc) on the summary page which i could easily scroll down and find what i wanted
Consider yourself lucky that you kept the format you like for so long. Aren't you aware that for years ebay has been redesigning every page it can find that is "easy to scroll down and find what you wanted" ?
Big empty spaces. Drop-down menus leading to multiple layers of extra pages, icons hidden in corners leading off in all directions, anything rather than easy to scroll down and use. Even to the point of re-naming something obvious to make it baffling and more confusing.
I still mourn the loss of the Classic View "All Selling Page" where Scheduled Listings moved down the page as they became Active and again when they Sold 😮 and where I could see at a glance when each item was paid, posted and Feedback left. Now I'm stuck with the laberynthe of The Horrible Hub among other examples as the project nears completion.
Sorry for any typos, the spell-check seems to think that every word of the above has a spelling mistake this morning except "I" and "a" 🙁 🙄 Which probably means they're working on "improvements" to it even as I write.
26-10-2024 9:07 AM
"Sorry for any typos, the spell-check seems to think that every word of the above has a spelling mistake this morning ....." - This started around midday yesterday. It is working as though they are checking English against a different spellcheck language with every word of more than one letter underlined. On Thursday I was getting the banners on eBay to take up a promotional offer in the French language. Maybe Khoros and eBay use the same playschool programmers!
26-10-2024 9:33 AM - edited 26-10-2024 9:34 AM
No es solamente meo then ?? 🤣
26-10-2024 10:10 AM
Nein. Nicht nur du.