10-02-2025 3:23 PM
Has anyone else noticed lack of sales since the buyer protection update 4th february 2025. I used to sell quite a lot and virtually sold nothing since 4th Feb. Can anyone else relate to this and what can we do?
10-02-2025 3:41 PM
You look to me like you buy to sell and so need a business account on ebay.
So the solution to your problem with the BPF is to upgrade your account as business accounts don't have the BPF or the delayed payment process.
However that won't necessarily increase sales.
10-02-2025 3:44 PM
These changes do not affect Business Sellers like yourself, if you upgrade as you should, then you won't have to worry about buyers being put off by the protection fee, as it is only levied on sales from Private Sellers who sell their own unwanted personal possessions.
10-02-2025 4:08 PM
BPF affect Private sellers items only.
If you are a private seller which is for selling personal items , then the BPF applies to all items listed is what the potential buyer now has to pay for "protection?"
If you are trading.. ie. buying items to re-sell to make a profit, it is eBay policy that you are required to register on a business seller account to comply with Consumer laws etc, not forgetting that as a " business" you would be required to register with HMRC as a self-employed trader and complete a self assessment to show " additional income" or even if you are employed, ie P.A.Y.E for tax purposes.
There is a £1000 tax free allowance for traders.
Bearing in mind you allo have a tax free allowance of £12570 per annum.
eBay due to new Government legislation now have to report all accounts who sell on online marketplace platforms and who reach 30 items or £1750 per annum to HMRC.
There is plenty of information regarding this on eBay terms and conditions, F.A.O and on Gov uk.
10-02-2025 5:10 PM - edited 10-02-2025 5:11 PM
I'm about a year into selling off my toy collection. I've always sold on eBay but usually only a few bits at a time but I made the jump in March to selling en masse as I'm out of the hobby.
It's been easy since I ramped up, I can usually sell up to 10 items a day, just manageable enough to get everything out the next day.
I've made peace with the new private selling rules. Unless I sell something big, I usually don't make more than a few hundred a week.
This past week has been brutal though. Going from almost 10 items a day to most days not even selling a single item is forcing me to leave the platform and go back to facebook groups where I can shift multiple items in an hour with a single post.
13-02-2025 4:16 PM
Yes, the same here. Since 4th Feb sales have tanked from 5-10 sales a day to almost no sales for coming up to 2 weeks. Obviously, buyers are moving to other platforms due to the added cost.
13-02-2025 4:20 PM
Yes, from the 4th sales went from 5-10 a day to nothing for almost two weeks. Obviously buyers are moving to other platforms due to the added cost - as will I soon to clear my record collection. eBay is dead with this added fee.
15-02-2025 6:40 AM
Yes, same here
15-02-2025 6:46 AM
@alexb904660287 wrote:
Yes, same here
If you think it's because of the BPF there is a simple solution that would also make you legally compliant.
15-02-2025 6:47 AM
Which other platforms are ok to use? If you know.
15-02-2025 7:58 AM
As a business seller who buys off private sellers can anyone tell me where the BPF shows in the listings. Do eBay inflate the listing price at the point of listing? I've just bought a pair of jeans and I can't see it on the order details. How does this work for auctions?
15-02-2025 8:29 AM
The Buyer Protection Fee should be shown after you have purchased an item and at eBay checkout.
The full amount you'll be paying that is, item price and BP fee is shown combined n the listing. The fee is 4% of the item price plus 75p.
This is eBay's answer ho that fee works on auctions:
How is this fee calculated for Auctions when the final selling price isn't known yet?
When you enter a starting bid, we add the Buyer Protection fee so you can see what the buyer's minimum bid amount will be. As the Buyer Protection fee is variable, the fee amount that the buyer actually pays is calculated as part of the final auction selling price.
By including the fee in the buyer's bid price, we're making it simple and transparent so buyers always know what they'll pay and sellers know how much they'll receive.
15-02-2025 10:27 AM
I recently won an item at auction from a private seller. My max bid was £10 and I won if for £10 + postage of £3.71 as in the listing.
I finally paid £13.71 which was as expected. NOWHERE is it obvious or does it show the amount of BPF paid by me. It doesn't show separately in the order details or the listing. eBay need to be more up front about how much a buyer is paying in BFP because I can't see it split off anywhere.
15-02-2025 11:30 AM
It's possible that the category you bought from hasn't been updated with the BPF yet....... it's been rolled out in a really 'lumpy' fashion!
15-02-2025 11:45 AM
When it does come in you will likely have to drop your prices a pound or 2 to compete with businesses in the same price range. Not sure if thats the problem though as I dont think you have buyer fees yet. No more free lunches for businesses dressing up as private.
15-02-2025 12:03 PM
I have never posted on here before 22 years as a member. This move as at 4th Feb is unacceptable. EBay is now holding funds, are they a licensed deposit taker, a bank governed by the FSCS as such? Didn’t realise buyers now have to pay premium for buyer protection if so what is being done with the funds, EBay is clearly freezing payouts in case of buyer dissatisfaction or claims of non receipt, difficult with tracked deliveries now. This is to suit EBAY’s biz model not to suit the members, Don’t do FB but may have to consider unhappy with disrespect shown to members.
15-02-2025 12:04 PM
I'm a registered business seller and have been for 20+ years. My query was regarding BUYING from a private seller and clarity re BPF's paid as a buyer.
15-02-2025 12:06 PM
I think you're correct. It was clothing & I deffo did not pay any BPF's. It's no good though if you don't discover as a buyer that fees are due BEFORE you commit to buying.
15-02-2025 12:25 PM
As a private seller, yes, I have most definitely noticed a drop off in sales since my listings were updated to include the buyer fee, but I expected this to be honest. Where I feel reasonably able to do so I've started dropping prices on some items. But with some stuff there's only so low I'm willing to go before I'd rather keep the item, which is the trade off I guess.
I understand Postage costs designated on a listing, are not included in the buyer fee calculation? Is that the case? If so can probably cut a few pence by re-doing my listings to not include free postage and reducing the BIN price to offset? If that's the case I'll start doing that.
12:27 PM
- last edited on
2:12 PM
A helpful, accurate and concise reply that highlights just one of the many issues customers have with eBay.
There is NO excuse for having everything in place BEFORE a change takes place on eBay. NONE.
No forward planning is indicative of the whole 'flying by the seat of your pants', make-it-up-as-you-go-along nature of this site - no forward planning.
This is a site that has been established for many years and ought to have plenty of experience to draw from however it patently lacks both the leadership and the ability required to be run as a fully functioning - and therefore efficient - ongoing concern. It's shocking. eBay - amateur hour 24/7.