10-02-2025 3:23 PM
Has anyone else noticed lack of sales since the buyer protection update 4th february 2025. I used to sell quite a lot and virtually sold nothing since 4th Feb. Can anyone else relate to this and what can we do?
16-03-2025 6:00 PM
It's a pity E.b.i.d don't advertise thousands would be joining them now
16-03-2025 6:24 PM
I am not sure why I am seeing everyone's replies in my email but it looks like some are doing okay and others not so. That said, today, I relisted all my other clothing items on Vinted and sold two coats that got no looks for the same listing price on Vinted here in the UK - so strange. No rhyme or reason and to be honest, I am glad things are still shifting as selling for me simply pays for the extras and our annual holiday. I am glad I don't have to rely on sales for other important things.
16-03-2025 6:48 PM
16-03-2025 8:29 PM
I have not responded to any of your posts (that i can see but i do make rather a lot) what message number was it?
16-03-2025 10:29 PM
I'm not one to defend ebay as a rule, but your graphic shows December and January to the start of Feb and to be honest I'm not surprised the numbers drop after the Christmas period. Is there graphics for pervious years which show this is not the norm? I'd be interested to see the figures for Feb since the introduction of BPF with graphs for previous years for context.
16-03-2025 11:15 PM
16-03-2025 11:25 PM
except thats .com and only the uk has the buyer fee so i doubt we're accounting for 12% of traffic lol
17-03-2025 12:57 AM
Its not just private sellers who are effected. Upset buyers and they aren't going to make the differentiation between business and private. Comments have been they will not buy from ebay.
17-03-2025 12:57 AM
17-03-2025 1:01 AM
I read on another post that ebay has introduced BPF on other sites, but not .com as yet.
17-03-2025 7:50 AM
mine have not, in fact i cannot believe how much i have sold compared to last Feb. One of the lucky ones maybe or just the items i am selling have been seen and wanted by the buyers. Clothing is to me (as a buyer) is finding the item i want, i do not browse on e bay for them, i look for specifics. Right size, colour, and brand are more important than paying another 75p +. I agree with you about graphs but in all fairness it was not @the_book_seekers who brought up the use of them!
17-03-2025 9:44 AM
'Its not just private sellers who are effected. Upset buyers and they aren't going to make the differentiation between business and private.'
That is very true. Most 'bog-standard' buyers don't even see the difference between the two, let alone understand the difference in regulations/rights.
(Ebay users on these boards will spot it easily, but we are a very tiny percentage of ebay users)
17-03-2025 1:58 PM
I've deleted my Ebay account because of this tariff, A so called buyers protection fee, I can't understand what ebay is doing, the buyer has always been protected, I was a member since 2002
17-03-2025 3:28 PM
17-03-2025 3:47 PM
17-03-2025 4:34 PM
I understand my rights but it does not bother me who the seller is, I would not return something other than if it was damaged or faulty and in those cases your covered by either private or business. Sames as if I buy in a shop
Distance selling rules have opend up a world where people just return stuff with no thought to the concequences of their actions to the businesses.