Buyer protection fees

As a private seller I WAS selling multiple low value items on ebay relying on volume to make it worthwhile.

Since the introduction of buyer protection fees I cannot compete on price with business sellers.


Message 1 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

Having multiples of different spark plugs available for sale probably means you're not really a private seller.

So upgrading to a business account will remove the buyer protection fees and solve the problem!

Message 2 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

Ha Ha, what a surprise. You tell them Sir/Missus!!! 😃🙄

Message 3 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

Tell then i am surprised they've not reported them!  

Message 4 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

@zillabudgie wrote:

Ha Ha, what a surprise. You tell them Sir/Missus!!! 😃🙄


The OP is complaining about the buyer protection fee, I've advised how to remove it, it's pretty simple!

Message 5 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

The items offered for sale are the result of house clearance following the death of a relative therefore it is not a business sale!

Message 6 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

You appear to have started Private but drifted into business and found out with the new fees and wating for payment ebay are the bad guys, although you have bee trading illegally yes we will blame ebay.

The simple answer is either stop selling multiples (your spark plugs) or upgrade to a business account.

I will give you a couple of weeks to get your account sorted then you go on the naughty list.  

We'll be watching 😂

Message 7 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

how to remove it?

Message 8 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

Simple you cant only businesses can

Message 9 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

That’s right, all congratulate yourselves.

Again, you people have accused a private seller of being a business with no justifiable evidence.

They’ve sold only 206 items on a 13 year old account.

They have only 13 items currently listed.


So they’ve sold / have for sale a few spark plugs. There can be numerous reasons for a genuine private seller having those for sale. Being a hobbyist is the most likely, given most their items seem to be motor-related.


As a collector myself, I’ve bought numerous item bundles, where you have to take the bad with the good. So what do you do with the stuff you don’t want? Bin it, and add to waste problem in this world? Give it away – well some can’t afford to; and there are items (probably like spark plugs) that charities won’t take anyway. Or do you sell it on eBay to get a few quid back? Selling them wouldn’t make me a business!


Genuine private sellers shouldn’t have to put up with the likes of you lot.


Report them to eBay. See how far that gets you. You will end up like the others on this forum who keep reporting private accounts, and end up getting a warning from eBay to stop.

As I said in another post, eBay aren’t even doing anything about private accounts where the evidence is 100% they are a business - i.e. they are offering services, which is trading. So what chance have you of going after accounts where the only evidence would be their own admission. And even then, I’ve seen some private users start to be convinced they are a business, but then when someone points out that it is only if they are buying items with the intention to sell on at profit, they realise they are being pushed in the wrong direction.

Message 10 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

This conversation seems to have continued since I started drafting my comment.


They have since told you why they have the stock. And it IS a genuine reason to sell under a private account. Telling them that it isn’t means you are the one in the wrong @moldosgifts. So if anyone should be on a naughty list, it is you.

They are not a business.

Message 11 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

@moldosgifts wrote:

You appear to have started Private but drifted into business and found out with the new fees and wating for payment ebay are the bad guys, although you have bee trading illegally yes we will blame ebay.

The simple answer is either stop selling multiples (your spark plugs) or upgrade to a business account.

I will give you a couple of weeks to get your account sorted then you go on the naughty list.  

We'll be watching 😂

And FYI, by not just accusing them, but stating they “have bee (sic) trading illegally”, you now open yourself up to a libel case. They could get divorced and blame it on the fact that their partner left them because they read on this forum you said they were doing illegal activity. So they could use your post as evidence in court in a libel case and sue you for their marriage breakdown and all the financial implications that follow. An extreme case, I admit, but certainly a plausible one. And the more of you that keep making accusations without evidence, the more likely one of you will get in serious trouble for it.

Message 12 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

He is not selling multiples of items. There are 5 different spark plugs for sale all of which there is only one available. Also there are only 12 items for sale in total. Doesn't sound like a business to me! By what authority do you decide who is a business seller and who isn't? I thought that was eBay's job.

Message 13 of 52
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Buyer protection fees


You cannot remove the buyers fee, but business sellers pay fees too, infact more fees. You should be able to price items to make them still viable. There will be many private sellers who haven't even been aware of the changes so if you take action on prices quickly you might be lucky.

Check sold prices for your items as a good guide.

You are not a business seller, do not upgrade. There is no going back if you do. Good luck. 

Message 14 of 52
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Buyer protection fees


Message 15 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

I don’t know why you felt the need to remove you own sarcastic comment, as it was apt. Unfortunately, I can’t even laugh at the humour in it now.


The toxicity from buyers and sellers who are having a bad day (often understandably by their posts) I can deal with. And I feel sorry for them. But the rampant use of this forum by certain members just as a place to play policeman and annoy private sellers who don’t deserve it is disgusting. Especially when, as I stated previously (and they already know anyway), the issues faced by them are caused by eBay, and the way they have dealt with things on their platform – a platform and company that they are still supporting by being here, despite their apparent annoyance of the situation (again, which eBay largely caused).


And with all this toxicity it is no wonder there isn’t more active users on these forums.


eBay was driving business sellers away, is now driving private sellers away; oh, and buyers too!

And those lot are driving users away from the forums, who might otherwise have been useful members of the community. That will just leave it a toxic wasteland!


At least these forums were a way for people to vent while awaiting the fallout. But those posters are annoying people further, and driving them away (sooner).


I, for one, am having serious doubts about my future anywhere on eBay at the moment. And that is from a buyer (of nearly 25 years in total), who purchases from both business and private sellers.

Message 16 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

As a seller with both business and private accounts, I'm pleased to see the playing field being levelled, but disappointed to see that yet again, ebay lacks the imagination to innovate themselves, this time, deciding to copy Vinted.


Still, I suppose it makes a change from copying Amazon or pretending to be a retailer themselves.

Message 17 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

We sell a variety of things, much of it from clearing out an aunt's and mother's house and now our own in an attempt to declutter.  Not terribly happy about changes ebay with buyer protection fees and changing of payouts and yes I can see they have copied vinted but have they?  I can not find buyer protection fees on clothing - am I missing something?



Message 18 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

It's mid rollout, but I thought they'd already done clothing.

There's a thread run by users trying to keep up with all the new categories with it.

Message 19 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

I'm a private seller. Don't understand the buyer protection thing. I always ship 48hr via RM. £3.39 at my cost. Tracked and insured up to £150. So no need for that protection as it already is. 🤷‍♂️

Message 20 of 52
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