An area to collect any official announcements regarding BFP and Simple Delivery


I think it may well be worth having specific areas to collate official announcements regarding areas of this new update/roll out.

What I'm noticing is that there's lots of information out there but there doesn't seem to be 1 spot that has everything. As an example, you can find different levels of detail regarding Simple Delivery in different areas. I've found some, maybe someone has found others.


If you can't see the big picture you don't really know what you're dealing with and as transparency is actually necessary within contracts (if we have to abide by their terms, that's what they are) then something like this shouldn't be a bad thing.


& If any user that knows how to directly link other posts from these threads could leave instructions on how to do so that would be greatly appreciated. I just can't find the option on my phone and that's all I have. 


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An area to collect any official announcements regarding BFP and Simple Delivery

I think you're right - it would be a good idea.


But it would never be respected by the posters here who would quickly dilute it with their comments and (often)  mistaken advice. It would degenerate into just another thread.

Message 2 of 5
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An area to collect any official announcements regarding BFP and Simple Delivery

You'd also be relying on eBay giving some kind of advance notice about things like the Buyer Protection Fee category rollout, such as even a day, which I doubt will happen, especially seeing as the Music category is already seemingly being affected now - I went in to revise a CD listing an hour ago, and the revise page now states that UK buyers will pay a BPF with the amount specified, although it's presently not being factored into the price on the actual listing page.

Message 3 of 5
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An area to collect any official announcements regarding BFP and Simple Delivery

Well no actually. That's why I said what I said above. The whole point is I don't think eBay are being transparent about this, so if we want transparency we have to find it ourselves.

You just proved that. 

So thank you for doing so.

Message 4 of 5
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An area to collect any official announcements regarding BFP and Simple Delivery

I'm not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere (apologies if it has) but there is something that looks not quite right and may be a possible breach, tho' probably isn't.


As I understand it, seller Payment Retention was originally intended to come in on 4th Feb alongside Buyer Protection Fees. But as we know BPF was delayed last week (when everything crashed). The fees were rolled out to Electronic items only on Thurs 6th and further categories (tho' not all) today.


But payment retention started for ALL private sellers on the same day, regardless of category of item sold. I sold 2 or 3 items that did not include Ebay's new protection service (so not sold by Ebay) but my payments are being retained anyway.


Ebay may have different contracts with their 'suppliers' (sellers) and their 'customers' (buyers) even when they're one and same person. They'll communicate with one group while ignoring another. But can they legitimately retain payments to private sellers for sales made before their new 'protection' for buyers started? 


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