21-03-2025 1:43 PM
Hi all.
With eBays new insistance on age-verified shipping for bladed items, does anyone know of a courier that will take oversized parcels that offers this service? Lots of the bits of machinery we sell (mower blades, saw blades etc) are now being restricted without the correct shipping. Quite happy to comply, but we are struggling to find anybody that will ship anything over a low weight and small parcel size.
21-03-2025 2:01 PM
I have started to look into this as I cannot sell cutlery without age verification.
It looks like Parcelforce is an option although will Ebay accept them as I believe they were only saying UPS would take them.
This is what I have found from Parcelforce:
Our Age Verification service | Parcelforce Worldwide
Bladed items
UK destinations
Prohibited Bladed Items cannot be sent. However, other Knives or Blades as defined by s141A Criminal
Justice Act 1988 or ‘Bladed Products’ as defined by s41 of the Offensive Weapons Act 2019 can be sent
using the Age Verification service. These include but are not limited to any knife or knife blade, including
cutlery knives, bread knives, knives that can be used for hobbies and trades (for instance, utility knives and
snap-off cutters, gardening, camping, lock knives, bushcraft and farming tools with a blade or any other
trade tool that could commonly be described as a knife), butcher knives (including meat cleavers), felling
axes and razor blades.
Note: this excludes folding pocket knives where the cutting edge of its blade does not exceed 3 inches
(7.62cm) or razor blades permanently enclosed in a cartridge or housing where less than 2mm is exposed
which can be sent without using Age Verification service.
Please note: It is the senders’ responsibility to ensure compliance with the law.
21-03-2025 2:08 PM
I have just tried to relist a canteen of cutlery with Parcelforce ( you also have to remove any collection option on the postage policy).
It still won't allow the listing which is frustrating so I am in the same position as you.
21-03-2025 2:54 PM
I don't think they will take a parcel under this service big enough for our needs. EBay did suggest listing under the wrong category (!) which did work in one instance (listing hedgetrimmer blades under 'strimmer parts' rather than 'hedgetrimmers') - whether that would work for you I don't know but might be worth a try. Won't help our search results tho'!
21-03-2025 5:04 PM
Same here on a flaming keyring but noticed quite a lot who sell the same as me don’t have have the age verification.
it’s only a £3.99 keyring.
21-03-2025 5:16 PM
A keyring? Does it have an item of cutlery on it? I would be inclined just to describe it as cutlery as its not going to be an offensive weapon.
I have lost all my listings for canteens of cutlery and letter openers. Next it will be walking sticks which could be used as a form of attack but I shouldn't give them any more ideas!
I am all for reducing crime and the sale of offensive weapons but as usual, Ebay overreact.
21-03-2025 9:17 PM
It’s in the shape of a samurai sword.
noticed other sellers haven’t had notifications about theirs.
21-03-2025 9:18 PM
this is the keyring that I have up. It’s blunt. Easy putting it up on other channels