02-02-2024 11:57 AM
I've started selling all my mountain bike gear about a year ago casually as a private seller and as it started selling so well I decided to do it full time and even gave up my day job at the end of the summer when Ebay insisted a become a business seller.
Mountain bike parts are very technical and my buyers tend to be often on the younger side or not have a great deal of knowledge. As such I had quite a few returns, some genuine (they are used bike bits, things can be missed) but more are often the buyers mistake or even 'less than genuine' buyers who've either broken it themselves or in a few unfortunate incidents, being a lot less than genuine. I had no idea about metrics and only had access to the phone app until recently so not been able to control much.
The long and short is that as my NAD were dreamed very high over 2% I got stung with ebays additional fees the first week
I went over from a private to business account, I went from paying 3.5% fees to nearly 20% overnight. My business went from a real earner having to concider becoming vat registered (I'm in the UK) to in a slow death spiral.
Now my profits are far less, meaning the stock I buy are lower quality, more inclined to have issues and I fear Ebay are slowing my visibility. I'm also now getting into substantial debt trying to plug this spiral.
I was told I could contest NAD decisions but have had no joy. I've spoken to several advisers who would try and appeal my case, recognising the firstly my used technical equipment would be more prone to NAD issues and secondly I'm being judged on a period I had no idea, and accepted returns to improve customer experience. I was told twice they'd be in touch within 72 hours but they never did.
One helpful and knowledgeable advisor said accounts can enjoy some degree of exemption status, is this true?
Please help
Thanks in advance
04-02-2025 6:28 PM
If you are paying 20% of your turnover to HMRC you're calculating your tax wrong!
Also, do you need to promote at 10%?
04-02-2025 7:48 PM
Just read this and the last bit made me smile. Got woken up yesterday by a nightmare that I had missed an Evri collection 🤣